Youtuber AU

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Simon turned on the camera and sat back down on the bed. Starting a video was always nerve-wracking and made Simon's palms sweaty but today was especially bad because he was introducing Baz. Well that wasn't completely true he had technically had Baz in lots of videos but that was as a friend, the internet didn't know they were dating. Simon looked up at the camera knowing he would have a hell of a time editing this later. He started to say something but the words came out a croak, he cleared his throat and started again.

"Hey, it's Simon," he started, his voice stronger now, "So about three months ago you guys asked if I've got a boyfriend and I said if I did I would make a video this year."

he looked past the camera into the hall where Baz stood leaning against the door waiting for his cue.

"You can come in now," Simon said, his voice a pitch higher than normal.

Baz came in and sat down in front of the camera.

"Edit this bit out. Love, are you sure you're okay with doing this? You don't have to," Baz said trying to comfort Simon who's breathing was sharp and anxious.

"Yeah, no, I'm good," Simon said looking back at the camera.

"This is Baz, but you guys already know that what you didn't know is that we're dating," Simon took a big breath in, "so for this video I sent out a tweet saying I was doing the boyfriend video as promised and asked you guys what you wanted to know about us."

"So to clarify, you let the entire internet ask about our relationship with NO restrictions, this is very likely the stupidest thing you've done," Baz scoffed.

"No, we're not just answering everything. You get to choose three tweets and so do I and we answer all of those," Simon rolled his eyes.

After Simon and Baz had both chosen their three tweets they started up the video again.

"So we're going to take turns showing you guys tweets and we'll answer together," Simon looked at Baz who nodded reassuringly. "So I guess I'll start, this one says 'where did you guys meet?'"

Baz started laughing, "We met in high school when Simon tripped and fell down two flights of stairs, I happen to be standing at the bottom of those stairs and had to take him to the nurse."

"I had a minor concussion but it was worth it, I got to meet you," Simon said lovingly, leaning his head on baz's shoulder.

"Next question," Baz smiled, "'Where was your first kiss?'" 

Simon smirked, Baz blushed.

"Eleventh grade. my car. drive-in movie theatre. Baz decided that was a good time to tease me about never kissing someone," Simon looked back at the camera, "little did he know I'm such a natural charmer I didn't need the experience." 

Baz was fiddling with a string on his jeans shyly.

"I think your exact words were 'Holy fuck Si that was possibly the best thing that's ever happened to me'" Simon quoted.

Baz's blush deepened significantly. Simon laughed and found the next question.

"This one says 'what's your favourite thing to see the other person in?'"

Baz was quick to answer, "That new leather jacket."

Simon smiled, "Edit this bit out," he said before turning to Baz, "Nothing at all, but for the sake of keeping this channel half clean..." he turned back to the camera, "A pair of jeans."

Baz held out the next question hiding his grin at Simon's last answer.

"What's your guy's song?" Baz asked reading off his phone.

"Do we really have a song?" Simon asked, turning to Baz.

"hmmm... Oh. Yes, we do; Strawberries and Cigarettes by Troye Sivan," Baz said suddenly.

Simon smiled, it really was a perfect song for them.

"This next question is the one you've all been waiting for," Simon said pointing at the camera, "top or bottom?" He winked at Baz.

Baz was flustered but regained his normal attitude in seconds, "Depends what we're talking about, in terms of bunk beds I prefer the top but the answer would probably change if the context were different," he said smartly. 

Simon rolled his eyes and mouthed 'he's a bottom' to the camera.

"Final question; do you have pet names for each other?" Baz read.

"I don't really have a pet name for you," Simon said thinking.

" I have a plethora of pet names for him though," Baz said talking to the camera again, "Love, darling, sweetheart," Baz listed them off on his fingers.

Simon smiled at the sound of Baz trying to remember all the cute names he came up with. He leaned towards Baz and pressed a kiss to his lips, Baz leaned in savouring it.

When Simon finally pulled away he said, "To be continued, I need to wrap up the video."

"So," Simon said turning back to the camera, "you guys will be seeing a lot more of Baz in my videos and I'll see you around."

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