(Modern-day) Cinderella AU

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Authours note: It doesn't fit the Cinderella story perfectly but most of the main components are intact so here's your Cinderella(ish) AU.

Baz sighed and slouched in his chair as a servant fussed over his hair and his father stood watching the chaos that was getting ready for a ball. 

"Basilton," his father said sternly "sit up straight, you know how this argument will end if you start it."

He knew.

" I just don't see why I need to find a partner at all," Baz huffed and sat up straight, "I could run the kingdom by myself."

"It's traditional to have a partner before your coronation, Basilton," his father shook his head, "We've been through this, it's non-negotiable if you don't find a wife tonight I will find one for you."

Baz rolled his eyes and watched his father walk out the door and slam it behind him. 


Simon sat at the creaky wooden table in the orphanage, listening to Agatha and Penny talk about the prince's ball. As much as he loved when they came to visit him, they often forgot that he wasn't really a part of the outside world. 

"I don't care about the prince, Agatha, I want to see the castle up close," Penny said exasperatedly.

"But you have to admit he's handsome," Agatha said playfully.

"I don't have to admit anything."

Agatha sighed, "What about you Simon, sneaking out to go to the ball?"

He snorted, "I don't have the patience for that kind of thing, plus even if I had a reason to go I don't have anything to wear."

"Your reason to go is to hang out with us, in a bloody castle I might add, and I bet I could ask Micah to lend you a suit," Penny suggested.

"Sure, if you can make me look presentable by seven tonight I'll go," Simon said jokingly.

Penny whipped out her phone and started texting rapidly. 

"He'll be here in twenty minutes I hope you're ready Snow."

"PENNY, I was joking!" Simon said in disbelief. 

"I wasn't."


Baz half-listened to his instructor's dull voice, he heard a few things about marriage traditions and coronations, but he'd heard it all before. It was his responsibility as the prince to take his father's place on the throne and choose a partner. The first problem with this was that Baz didn't believe in marrying for tradition sake, the second problem was that Baz had no interest in having a wife at all, he would rather a husband. 


Simon was sitting on the edge of his cot when he heard Penny knock on the door and let herself in with Micah in tow. 

"So, blue, black, or green?" Penny asked as if she expected Simon to understand the question.

Simon looked up with a confused stare. He saw Penny's arm struggling to hold up the weight of three full suits.

"Penny I told you I was joking. Orphans don't go to balls, especially not in three-piece suits," Simon argued.

Penny huffed, "well this one is going to because Agatha, Micah and I want you to be there."

Penny started laying suits out on the tiny cot.

"Now, blue, black, or green?"


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