Bartender AU

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Simon was working an unreasonably long shift at the bar, he had already been working for a few hours when the rowdy midnight crowd started trickling in. He watched as most people moved to the dance floor after having a few drinks. One person stuck out from the crowd, a boy with pale grey skin and raven hair, he was taller than Simon and had grey eyes that shone in the strobe lights. Simon watched him dance to a few songs by himself before deciding to send over a drink. Simon mixed up a colourful slush drink and called one of the waiters he knew. 

"Penny, can you do me a favour and send this over to that cute boy," Simon said and pointed to the dance floor.

"The one with black hair that was doing straight vodka shots earlier?" she asked with a smirk, "he looks like a bad decision waiting to happen. Want me to tell him you sent it?"

"Yes please," Simon said smiling and going to mix a round of drinks for a group of people sitting at the bar. 

A few seconds later he watched as Penny handed the drink to the boy and point at him. Simon waved when the boy turned to look at him. As the boy walked over Simon's stomach did a flip.

"So you come here often?" Baz asked jokingly.

"Nine hours a night, five nights a week," Simon responded.

Baz smirked, "good thing you don't need the beauty sleep," he said with a wink.

Simon blushed, "So," he said trying to distract himself from Baz's obvious flirting, "what's your story?"

Baz gave him a questioning look.

"People don't come to a bar at one in the morning, do seven straight vodka shots, and accept a drink from the overly flirtatious bartender," Simon said.

Baz laughed, "well it helps that the bartender is cute," he looked up at Simon, "but it also helps when your asshole boyfriend breaks up with you over text," Baz got quiet.

"Oh," Simon said slightly disappointed, "I guess it's probably not a great time to be a flirtatious bartender then."

"Depends if you want a boy with baggage," Baz paused, "but I'm not looking for a rebound if that what you're asking, I'm not looking at all, I've decided to let someone find me this time."

Simons phone went off suddenly.

"Hold that thought. Oh, it's just my timer for the end of my shift," Simon said turning to a tablet on the wall, "just have to clock out." Simon turned back to Baz, "So what I'm hearing is your old boyfriend is a total twat and you're waiting for a cute guy you met at the bar come to the rescue?"

"Pretty much," Baz said.

"Well since my shift is over and I don't have anywhere to be tomorrow I think we should go dance," Simon suggested.

"I think I'm going to embarrass you because it's only been an hour since the vodka, but okay," Baz said with a giggly laugh.

Simon took Baz's hand and led him to the dance floor.

"So," Baz said when they finally stopped dancing and started heading back to the bar, "how many boys do you dance with after work?"

Simon laughed, "Thousands. Millions," he said sarcastically, "no, I actually haven't even flirted with someone in months. I just hadn't found someone spectacular I guess."

Baz noted the past tense in his last sentence. 

"So I suppose it wouldn't be completely ludicrous to ask to see you again?" Asked Baz.

"No, no it wouldn't," Simon answered smiling.

"I hear the coffee shop down the road is fantastic and I'm not busy Saturday around eleven," Baz said glancing at Simon questioningly.

"I'm not either so I guess we should go have coffee," Simon winked, "but now I have to get out of here," Simon winked and walked out of the bar before Baz could even say goodbye.

"God, he is something else," Baz muttered as he remembered something, "Shit, and I don't even know his name." 

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