2. How To Be A Renegade

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2. How To Be A Renegade

I muttered something about having to go home but there was no need, for he rushed to his dad's side. I meanwhile jogged in the direction of where Nova went. I wanted to find my cousin. Winston Pratt caused the perfect distraction, for me to get away, so I did just that.

I quickly turned into a cat, a black short-hair, as that was what made me a prodigy. I stalked up a building, following what I thought was Nova's scent. I followed it up to a building where an abandoned gun lay. I lost her scent so I got back down to the ground and back into the crowd. I changed into a human and got up to head home.

I shoved through the crowd angrily, stepping on people's feet as I pushed past. I hadn't realized that I had pushed all the way to where Winston had caused so much destruction. A Renegade pushed me back. He had a stingray tail.

"Hey! You can't be here!" I tried to walk past him to the alley but he was unbelievably strong and picked me up and held me there. I struggled harder, then turned into a short-hair, my favorite form, and bolted. Several people tried to catch me but I easily evaded them.

I was almost to the shortcut home, when suddenly, a pair of strong hands grabbed hold of me. The hands held me up then, the man spoke, "Turn back, prodigy." I'll admit, I startled, and I started struggling again, because the hands holding me were Captain Chromium's. I was scared, but I tried not to show it as he shook me.


Nova shook my shoulders and whispered to me. "Kate, he's letting us into his family. Just like your mom and my parents let him into ours. They're against the Renegades, but they're trying to make a difference just like them."

"I don't know what to think. Aren't the Renegades the good ones though?" I was interupted by Uncle Alec, who smiled.

"Nova. Katie. Evie," Uncle Alec addresses Nova's baby sister, too. We were only five, but Evie was just born recently. "I would like you to meet my friends," Uncle Alec was babysitting all of us while our parents were out shopping. A knock came at the door. I shivered and looked at Nova. She shrugged at me, and I stepped back a little. Uncle Alec went to answer the door.

There were a bunch of weird people, men, women, a lot of bees, and a guy in black robes, who immediately scared me. I had withdrawn even farther, and even though I only was five years of age, I knew that he would give me nightmares. He started to introduce them to us.

"Girls, this is Honey Harper, Queen Bee," A woman waved to us. "Leroy Flinn, Cyanide," A man smiled at us. "Ingrid Thompson, The Detonator," A squat woman frowned, looking at Uncle Alec. "Phobia," he pointed to the scary guy in black robes. He nodded at us and I shivered, but Nova smiled back. "Winston Pratt, the Puppeteer," The youngest member of the group smiled.

Winston Pratt's voice was like a melody when he spoke. "Welcome children. I hope you will join us in the future."


I morphed back into a human. I hid my hands behind my back and stared at the ground. I mumbled something about leaving and started to walk away. I don't like people looking at me but I didn't want to show it. 

"In a moment sweetheart," he says warmly. "Can you turn into any kind of cat or just that one?" I looked up and he smiled. I looked back down. "You should try out in the Renegade Trials." I nodded quickly and pulled up my hood. I walked down the alley, and I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I left.  

Alright, readers!  Chapter 2!  A bit shorter than Chapter 1, but you can tell me how you like it in the comments.  Chapter 3 will be out soon but I'm not promising anything.  :)  Vote, comment, and tell others about my book!  Unless you didn't like it.  :P  Love, 


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