3. The Life Of A Prodigy

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3. The Life Of A Prodigy

I had stumbled all the way through the alleys and streets to my house. Just then I remembered about my sister, Kaylee. I ran up the steps to my house and fumbled for my key. Just as I turned the key in the lock, the door swung open and there stood Kaylee.

"Katie, you are in so much trouble! I went right home just like I was supposed to, but you didn't! You didn't because you went to the parade!" She glared at me. "You said we couldn't because of Uncle Alec-," I put my hand over her mouth. She jiggled around trying to get loose and I looked around. I saw a few neighbours. I glared at her.

"Mama would not be proud of you," I pushed her inside. "What were you thinking!" I shout at her once the door is shut. "No one here knows about Ace right? Her face crumples and tears start rolling down her face. "Aww... I'm sorry," I frown. "What's wrong?"

"It's just, the k-kids at school are t-t-teasing me again. You know, for being a p-prodigy," she stammers. My glare softens.

"Kaylee. You are special. Here. Did I ever tell you how you got your power?"

"I thought I was born with it," she said confused.

"Nope. Let me tell you."


"Nova is asleep. Tala, I'm going to do it now." David Artino spoke softly so as not to wake her.

"Are you sure David? The Renegades will protect us from the Roaches."

"Honey, I'm sure. Kaylee doesn't have any powers. This will be my gift to her if I don't live to see her grow up."

"What about Katie?"

"Katie knows I love her too. Besides, she's a prodigy already."

"Alright. But what will Nova say? When you don't have your "power" and Kaylee does?"

"Nevermind that now. I'm going." She nodded and retreated back into their apartment. David sighed. He walked slowly to his sister's house. When he got to his sister's house, he knocked softly. Calia answered the door. She nodded and shut the door after he came in.

"Are you ready? I just got Katie asleep."

He nodded. They walked over to the crib in the next room over. David put his hand carefully on Kaylee's head. He closed his eyes in concentration and gritted his teeth. Suddenly a burst of light shone from his hands. Light engulfed the room as David grimaced. A sharp intake of breath came from the corner of the room by the door. There stood Katie in her nightclothes.

"Katie! Go back to-"

There was a bang and Caila collapsed. Kaylee started crying.


"Caila! No..." David cradled his sister in his arms. Katie was crying too now. There was another bang and the sound of shattering glass. "Katie! Go to your bedroom. Take your sister!" Katie scrambled over to the crib and picked up her 1 year old sister and took her into her chubby arms. She muttered soothing noises to her sister and hurried to her bedroom. David laid Caila down slowly and kissed her cheek. He stood up and wiped the tear from his face. Then he walked over to Katie's bedroom and eased open the door. He crossed over to her sitting with Kaylee on her bed.

"Katie, I want you to pack up things you need, food, comfort items, put it all into two backpacks one for you and one for Kaylee. While you do that I'm going to run over to my apartment and then I'll be right back for you and your sister, okay?" Katie nodded. "I might not survive this night, Katie. Someone's hunting us. If I don't see Nova be sure to tell her that I love her. And I want you to have this." He put his hand on Katie's head and closed his eyes. When he opened them again Katie was staring at him and she had his power. David had an extremely rare power, he had the power to take others' powers and give away the powers he has.

David went to the door and ran out it and didn't stop running until he got to his doorstep. He knocked on the door and Tala answered him.

"Oh, David! Did you do it?"

"Yes, honey. But-"

"Mr. Artino. We meet again." David turned around and saw the gunman that killed his sister.

"You killed her!" David lunged at him.

"Don't move unless you want me to kill your wife too. And wife, shut the door." Tala shut the door.

"David?" David didn't speak for several more seconds.

"He killed Caila."

"David?" Tala said again, frightened even more.

"It's a misunderstanding," said David. He stood between the man and Tala. "Let me talk to him. I'm sure I can explain—"

"There's been no misunderstanding," the man said. His voice was low and cold. "You have betrayed his trust, Mr. Artino. He does not like that."

"Please," said Tala. "The children are here. Please, have mercy." He cocked his head, just slightly, his eyes shifting between them.

"Let me talk to him," David repeated. "We haven't done anything. I'm loyal, I swear. I always have been. And my family . . . please, don't hurt my family." There was a moment in which it looked like the man might smile, but then it passed.

"My orders were quite clear. It is not my job to ask questions . . . or to have mercy."

David took a step back. "Tala, get the girls. Go."


"So that's how I got my power?" Kaylee said in awe. "Do you think that it's weird how you got Uncle David's memories?"

"Well, I don't know," I said. "But you gotta be proud of that power story!"

"Are you going to try out at Renegade Trials Katie?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yeah that would be so cool to tell my classmates!"

"Then I will."

Okay, I made an extra long flashback/memory. For those of you that don't know (if any) at the end of the flashback was the Renegades prologue. Also, Tala is Nova's mom and David is Nova's dad. Caila is Katie's mom and comment with any other questions.  Vote and comment please. And credit to RenegadesIsAwesome because they gave me a tip for chapter one.  Please comment any suggestions although I may not use them.


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