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The SCP Foundation: Special Containment Procedures

"Secure. Contain. Protect."

February 13, 2024

"Wow," Doctor Harp chuckled, "so Watch has a daughter , huh? Didn't see that coming." He crossed his arms, amused. "How long have you known about the foundation, kid? You gonna work here now or what?" the scientist asked, half-jokingly.

I opened my mouth to answer—and my dad cut me off. "Yeah, uh, I try to keep this whole family thing a secret to prevent people from asking too many questions—kind of like what's happening right now—so I can keep 'em nice and safe from harm and all that jazz. I'm sure you understand." Watch smiled and patted me on the shoulder. I sensed the passive-aggressiveness he was directing at Doctor Harp and wondered what kind of relationship they had between them.

"Oh, yeah, I got it, I got it," Harp nodded. "Don't worry. If anyone asks, you're single and you live alone." He wheezed out a laugh and slapped his knee. This guy sure was enjoying himself.

"Flattering," Watch grunted.

Doctor Harp fixed his white lab coat and sighed. "Well, I had a night shift, so I'm out of here before the sun's completely up. Can't stay here any longer than you need to or you'll go crazy, you know? Have a good one, you two." He saluted my dad, who returned the gesture, and turned to leave. I heard him mutter as he walked away, "This coat is way uncomfortable. Must be the wrong size."

My dad looked at me. "Met your first scientist there, Alex. What do you think?"

"I guess he seems pretty chill for a someone who works in a place like this," I remarked, gesturing around us.

"Yeah, well you got the right idea there. He's the good one of the bunch. And by bunch , I mean this entire place. Full of rotten apples..." He rubbed his forehead. "Can't blame 'em, though. Just be careful what you say to people around here, 'kay?"

"Yeah. Don't worry; I understand, dad."

He smiled, reassured. "Get your serious face on, now. We're starting day one of your tour."

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