The Interview

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The SCP Foundation: Special Containment Procedures

"Secure. Contain. Protect."

September 30, 2024

"This'll be the first and only time you'll ever go into SCP-035's containment cell, so use your time wisely," my dad warned.

"Yeah, yeah," I said.

Normally, an individual was allowed inside SCP-035's containment cell once per two-month intervals, and personnel working in the area had to rotate out every three weeks, but my dad was so protective of me that I wouldn't be allowed any more contact after this. Ever, apparently.

Years ago, SCP-035's glass case had begun forming paragraphs of text in various languages using negative space in the black ooze that had also mysteriously begun appearing recently. There were attempts to translate the paragraphs, but all the personnel working with it eventually ended up committing suicide or going insane in one way or another, so the procedure had to be put on hold until SCP-148 was finally brought in to cover the cell walls, successfully blocking out SCP-035's dangerous emitting waves from entering the outside atmosphere. It was all fine and dandy after that. Unfortunately, this caused a sort of greenhouse effect over time that made the entire room and its effects on personnel amplified and the whole thing had to be called off, translating and all. A lot of personnel died from that.

Over the next year or so, things started to get ugly. SCP-035's containment cell became so corrupt that nobody could enter it. The walls degraded and had to be replaced every single week, but that was a difficult task when the entire cell was covered in a layer of mysterious black blood—which was tested and discovered to be human blood from various subjects—with a corrosive pH of 4.5. The magnitude of SCP-035's harmful telepathic waves also amplified so much that anyone exposed for more than half an hour would enter an inevitable psychosis. Communication with SCP-035 was banned and it was allowed no more hosts, not even inanimate mannequins or statues. There were a few other things that are too disturbing for me to disclose.

So, finally, the foundation decided enough was enough and SCP-035 in a dormant state was moved using remote-controlled AI to a brand new containment cell and the old one was never used or spoken of again. Now, here I was , standing in front of the new, nice and fresh cell. Lucky me. I peered through the glass and I could only see the back of the small container where the mask must be sitting. Sitting .  . . dormant and waiting . . .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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