And im santa claus part two

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Trinity's, POV.

I woke up tied to a chair."shit."I thought great they were right I can't believe this."oh look she's awake."the girl from before said."oh well isn't that nice we barely had to wait."the man said. I tried to reach for the knife in my back pocket in my cloak."we took your blade and your daggers and throwing stars and the taser and everything else."the girl said as she pulled a knife from her dress."NOW TELL ME WHERE TOCI, IS!"she yelled running up to me and putting the knife at my throat."who?"I asked oblivious to who she was talking about."don't act dumb."she said she backed up."maybe you need some help."she said she walked up to me slowly and took the knife and cut my chest."I don't know who you are talking about."I said a little pain could be heard in my voice"you sure about that."she said she punched me really hard."I don't know who you are talking about."I said she cut my face. I yelled loud. wolfspan. She didn't cut deep enough for me to feel it the first time Hurts like hell the blade is infused with it. in liquid form if it enters a werewolfs bloodstream it will kill you and it will be a slow painful death."I still know nothing."I said then she stabbed my stomach."
I screamed ."ok well looks like well just have to kill you."she said smirking."will be back."she said she grabbed the mans arm and they left in to a dark hallway.I heard what sounded like a vault door opening and closing I realized that they didn't take the small blade that looks like a lipstick the blade is inside I took it out and started cutting the rope they came back with a sword she came up to me."you've been a pain in my ass."she said."right back at you sweetie."I said she was about to decapitate me I think. when I untied my hands. I grabbed the sword so we were both holding it I kicked her with werewolf strength in all. the man came running to me. I took the knife out of my stomach and threw him back with the girl. I ran up to them and stabbed him in the chest it should keep him down for a little I went to the girl and stabbed her but I didn't stop there. I heard the girls call my name. I looked down and realized the girl looked like this

 I looked down and realized the girl looked like this

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And the boy looked like this

I dropped the knife they ran over to me

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I dropped the knife they ran over to me."what happened are you ok."lily, asked."you were right it was a trap they um stabbed me."i said they took me and we got to my house and into my room I grabbed the sewing kit and started stitching  my wound the girls left and I went to bed I woke up and put on ripped black jeans a long sleeve gray ripped shirt a leather jacket and black boots(the weapons she's storing on her below).

"i said they took me and we got to my house and into my room I grabbed the sewing kit and started stitching  my wound the girls left and I went to bed I woke up and put on ripped black jeans a long sleeve gray ripped shirt a leather jacket and bla...

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I got on my laptop and did some research then called the girls over. i heard the door bell. I went to the door and I let them in "Hey guys I think I found something!"I said excited."really?"Kat asked I brought them up to my room."ok I was researching all morning and I think I found that they were talking about they asked me where toci? was so I did some research and I found this. Toci Goddess of healing and a patron of midwives and healers but also accepted dead humans Women were sacrificed to Toci. The chosen girl dressed to resemble the goddess she didn't know she was about to be killed. the Aztecs were afraid of the victim getting upset because it's a bad omen. So the woman would be lied to and told that she's was going to see the emperor after climbing to the temple she would be quickly beheaded and flayed but other people think that the sacrifice involves ripping out there heart and then flayed her but in this case both are happening..."i said."ok since when are we from supernatural and gods and goddess don't exist."Kate, said."neither do werewolves or werefo-"I said"ok point made."she cut me off."so how do we kill them?"Max asked."it's not that simple for one were dealing with a god and we have no idea were she is and she obviously has followers that will risk there life's to protect her and I'm assuming those guys were follower wannabes trying to find her and serve her or some shit."I said."good point I mean we can't do this alone maybe we should?"Kat, said."tell me your not thinking what I think you are."I said."not yet not ever."I said.

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