Chapter 3

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It's morning.

I woke up earlier than usual. I stretched my arms and saw minet was sleeping on my belly.

I gently put him on his bed. I washed my face. "I am surely gonna get good grades on this test" I said as I looked myself in the mirror. "And maybe see him again" I said to myself.

I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. Grandma already made it and put it on the table for me. She wasn't here maybe because she was cleaning her room.

I ate my breakfast. I said goodbye to grandma and went for school.


I went in my class and saw Ami was revising the chapter. I didn't want to disturb her so I quietly went to my sit.

Our teacher came after a while and gave us our questions and papers. I started to write on my exam sheet.


Th exam was about 2 hours. To me the exam questions were okay.

Ami came to me and said in a nagging voice "I wanna get good grades". "How was your exam?" She said.
"It was okay I did my best,how about you?" I asked her.
"Mine too". She smiled.
"You always get good marks in science so it must be great".

I walked through the hallway. And as usual it was peaceful and quiet. I said to Ami that I am not going to hang out today. I didn't tell her the reason. It was because i wanted to go to the exhibition.

I went inside the exhibition. It was not really crowdy as yesterday that's why i am very glad. I went to the same way where that boy was.

I suddenly slapped my cheeks. "Why the hell am I so curious about him?" I kept walking thinking that I might find him today too.

And I was right.

This time he was arranging the table."Maybe I came too early " I said in my mind. I looked at him from the distance so that he wouldn't see me. He was covering his head and eyes today too so his nose,cheeks and lips were only visible.

This time he was making another thing that looked like a spaceship. I was so happy. "Oh god that's science and damn a spaceship model". I love space things a lot but my most favourite is cars.

I kept watching. I didn't even realise that I was smiling like an idiot while watching him.

He was doing his work and I think he still didn't realise that I was watching him from a distance. I am glad because of that.

He seemed to be really attentive while making it. I liked the fact that he likes science too.

I wondered what is his name. But I didn't wanted to ask because to me it feels weird. I just wanted to watch what he does.

He kept making it. "I wonder why he is covering his face" I said in mind. I opened my eyes widely "Why am I so curious about him?" This question came many times in my mind but I ignored it and kept watching.

I noticed that the thing he was making the first day, was not a spaceship. "Then what was it?"

I kept watching until I realised that I have been watching him for half an hour. It wasn't really late but I didn't notice that it was already half an hour.

I wanted to watch what he will do next but my grandma might worry about me. So I started to walk home.

It felt good being so curious after a long time.

I reached home and saw minet was waiting for me today too. "Welcome back lily". "Thanks. Why are you sitting here?". He smiled and said "Waiting for you." He jumped up to me I hold him in my arms and walked to my room.

"Lily your late today" he said meowing. "None of your business" I said changing my clothes. "Why won't you tell minet? Minet already knows something happened" he smiled slyly.

"I'll tell you later after I do my work". I went downstairs to see my grandma but she
went to shopping. So I heat up the things that she made and ate it.

I was bored so I watched TV. Minet was also watching but he fell asleep on my lap. I rubbed his grey fur gently as I keep watching TV.

After sometime I fell asleep too. "I'll go and watch him again" I said to myself before falling asleep.

Hello my dear readers.❤️ If you like my story, up untill now, do vote for it and follow me because i'll follow you back too~
More exciting parts coming in future!

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