Chapter 11

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I got out of that room after. The other people in the castle already got the news. But seriously no matter how I fooled I was scared. Damn scared. I let out a sigh of relief. What I need to do now is to tell about them as soon as possible.

When I was out people were already looking very worried. I looked around and saw Emanuelle and Aj right away. They looked at me and started running to me. When Aj was about to hug me, Emanuelle came faster and hugged me tightly. "Oh I am so glad you're okay", he said in a worried voice. Aj had his arms crossed with an annoyed expression. I giggled.

"Now are you over with her little king", Aj said. He nodded and let me go then Aj hugged me. I saw Emanuelle's eyes red. His face said he was really worried. "Oh Suelita it's all your fault ", Aj said and I looked at him confused. He just giggled and shook his head.

"So how did it happened?". I told him the whole story and said that we need to be more cautious about this kingdom. Emanuelle's face became even more worried. His kingdom is in very danger. Aj said, "Can't believe that they believed your stupid idea so easily". I puffed my cheeks, "Don't call it stupid when it worked".

Emanuelle was still in deep thoughts. I rubbed his shoulder and smiled at him, "Don't worry our kingdom is going to be fine". I didn't even realised that I said our kingdom but that made him a bit reassured and he smiled a little. He held my hands, "Your just as important as this kingdom to me Suelita. I don't want you to get in trouble". His voice was a bit quiet and deep. I need to find a solution.

"Emanuelle?" He looked at me for my question. "I am pretty sure those guys were from Alista. Do they care about the lives of their spy? He said after a bit thinking, "I suppose so". I grinned. He looked at me confused. "Why don't we give them threads? I pretty sure they are also dumb. I know their names. They were Madelynn and Wesly". He was a bit stunned but shook his head, "They may care a little and may stop some of their plans but they will never stop to end Rizkar".

It was a problem. "Why do they want to end Rizkar so badly?" He said while letting out a deep breath, "Once we were under their rule so and this area was used for making the most profit. So when we fought and divided it they couldn't accept it. And so they want it back again". I nodded. He said that I may be tired and should sleep a little while he think of his own plan and made sure there were gaurds in every places. I agreed and was heading back to my room.

When I was walking a little girl bumped into me and I quickly grabbed her because she could fall. She apologised and I said it's totally fine. For some reason she looked at me in awe. I asked what her name was. She replied her name was Maria. She was really cute.

She asked in awe, "Miss are you the next Queen?" "I still don't know Maria". Her smile dropped a little and said, "Why not?" "Because.... I am still not sure if I am the Queen". "I definitely think your the Queen! Maria knows. You saved the kindom from enemy, your kind and", she smiled more "The king loves you". My heart started to beat fast. Emanuelle loves me? He did say that but is it really true? I just met him 2 weeks or so. Do I love him?

I blushed, "I really don't know about it Maria". She huffed a little and then smiled, "Your the Queen. I am telling you that" then she walked out of my sight. My heart was still beating. I walked to my room. The guards greeted me as I went in.

It was a long day.

I fell asleep shortly. I slept soundly. I was clearly tired from all these.


I absolutely didn't wake up early. Rather too late. But honestly I don't care. Lots of things has been going on. And I needed rest. I may sound like a lazy bitch. But I still don't care. I get exhausted easily. And no one is here to disturb me. After one or more hours of sleep I finally got the urge to wake up. It kinda fell annoying to lay on bed for that long. Again I know I am weird. I washed myself and changed my clothes.

I wanted to meet my grandma. So I went searching for Emanuelle. If grandma sees that I haven't been home for 2 days wonder what she will think. I'll just tell her the truth expecting her to believe me. But what if she tells the cops for it? I honestly don't know anything.

I went to Emanuelle's room and knocked the door. He yelled to come in. I got in and saw he was reading something. I sat next to him and he smiled asking if I had good rest or not to which I only nodded.

"Emanuelle I want to see my grandma". "You wanna go back? Will you come here again?", he asked a little worriedly. "If grandma lets me. After all she is my guardian". He nodded, "When do you want to go?" I thought a little. "Now". He nodded again and said he would make arrangements and I went to inform Aj.

I walked to Aj's room. He wasn't there. I asked one of the servants and she told he was in the garden. I went to the graden. It was very beautiful. I love gardens and flowers. I kinda like gardening too.

Aj was just wandering around with a girl. She was showing him the way. I ran up to him. He smiled at me and asked the same question as Emanuelle did. I just simply nodded.

"So what brings you here?" He said looking at the flowers. "I wanna go home and meet my grandma". He shrugged, "We are leaving?" I nodded. He sighed. "You can come back here without me if grandma doesn't permit me", I said a little quietly. He suddenly hugged me and chuckled, "There's no way I am leaving you. Your my best friend". I smiled and hugged him back. I will be so alone without Aj. But I think I'll come back.

After a while~~

Emanuelle said we can go now. I was mentally preparing myself. Suddenly I giggled to myself for mentally preparing myself. It's like I am going to leave my hometown. I didn't realise I was going to my place with these royal clothes.

We were almost at the Dimensional Chasm. I gave that name. It sounds kinda like time machine. A servant opened the door for me to come out. But don't think it is the horse carriage. It is a kind of vehicle similar to a car. I got out as well as Aj and Emanuelle. The Dimensional Chasm was as usual full of light. I was nervous again when Emanuelle held my hand. I grinned at him.

He has got to be my Prince Charming and my soulmate...if I am that lucky.

He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb and smiled, "Ready?" I nodded smiling widely. Then we all jumped into it. It was again that warm light. My eyes were closed. It didn't feel like I was falling very quickly. Rather it was calm and peaceful.


Hey guys. I hope you are liking my story. My characters are imaginary and you can imagine them as the way you like. Thanks!

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