The Truth Comes Out

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I heard a knock at the door, and. I answered it, seeing Eddie's face when I opened it.

"Hey! You ready?" He asks

"Ya, let's go... HEY GUYS!!! IN LEAVING! IM GOING TO A MOVIE WITH EDDIE, ILL BE BACK BEFORE 11!!!" I yell to the boys.

"Shall we?" Eddie asks.

"We shall"


Maddie's going on a date? Aww my baby can't grow up that fast. She's not ready for this. And I don't trust him. Especially since he hurt Maddie in the past.

"Hey guys?!" I call, as the other 5 boys come downstairs.

"Ya?" They all respond.

"So Maddie's going on a date... but I don't really trust this Eddie guy. Who's up for spying on them? I know it sounds wrong, but it's to protect her" I suggest, a little guilty.

"We have to make sure she's safe, so let's go. But we can't get caught! If she sees us she will be really mad, so we HAVE to make sure she and Eddie don't see us. And we have to put on disguises to make sure no fans recognize us." Trevor says.

"Ok let's go!" Ricky says, after we put on glasses, hoodies, and hats.


Eddie's dad drove us to the movies, we bought our tickets, and we took our seats towards the front of the theatre.

The theater was really empty, and the only other people in this movie was 6 guys who sat behind us.

It looked a little suspicious, though, that they sat right behind us when every seat in the theater was open, but maybe they just like the view from there. Idk.

Half-way through the movie, Eddie put his arm around mine, but the people in back of us accidentally spilled soda on Eddie's arm, making him move it away to clean it.

We continued watching, until Eddie and I laughed and looked at each other. We started leaning in and were about to kiss, but some guy behind us asked us to move our head apart so he could see. I ended up almost in the seat next to me.

What's up with the people behind us?

The movie ended, and we all clapped, cuz it was amazing, but then I heard something that confused me:

"Wow! That was a great movie!" One of the boys said behind us.

"Wait! I know that lisp!" I detected.

"Ricky?! Guys! Seriously?! I can't believe you snuck up on me on my date!" I yelled at them. I can't believe they did this.

"Sorry, we were just trying to make sure you were safe! I'm your dad, I need to make sure you and your boyfriend are being appropriate and that we can trust him!" Ricky defended himself.

"I can't believe you don't trust my decision! AND YOURE NOT MY DAD!!! Come on Eddie, let's go" I screamed, as me and Eddie left the theater.

"You can spend the night at my house if you need to. You can sleep in the guest room again" Eddie offers, while we're in the car.

"Thanks Eddie, I actually think I'll take you up on that offer." I reply, thankful that I don't have to go home and see the guys for the night.


I can't believe she said that. That really hurt. My eyes start to tear up. We shouldn't have come. She's right. We should have respected her space and decisions.

I feel horrible. She hates us now. We get back home and we go back to sleep. I have a feeling she's not coming home until tomorrow, at least.

Shit. We really screwed up.


When we get to Eddie's house, we go in, and I put my stuff down in his room. Then, we go into his living room to hang out for a little and have a small dinner. I'm just having a small salad.

Eddie says he has to go to the bathroom, and he forgets his phone on the couch. All of a sudden, a text comes up from some girl. I unlock his phone and read his convo with her. Don't judge. He's my boyfriend. I can read a convo with a girl.

As I'm reading it, my eyes tear up. I had not idea Eddie had this side to him. How could he do something like this, ever! I wait for him to finish on the bathroom so I can scream at him.

(A/N: I tried. Sorry I'm kinda tired so it was written super well. The next chapter will be super short btw and it will just be the convo Maddie read off of Eddie's phone. Ily guys, PLEASE keep reading, commenting, and voting!!! <3)

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