Ups and Downs

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I drop the phone on the couch. Tears start streaming down my face. Then Eddie walks in from the bathroom.

"What's wrong babe?" He asks worriedly.

"DONT CALL ME THAT! How could you?" I ask him.

He looks down at his phone and realizes what I saw.

"I'm so sorry. I made a mistake. Please forgive me." He says, trying to apologize.

"Just... don't. We're over." I say, storming out of his house. I hear him scream "WAIT! MADDIE! Just hear me out!" But I just run to the park I always go to when I need to think stuff over.

I know this isn't exactly the thing I should be worried about, but I just realized I haven't unloaded a video on my youtube channel in a while. I used to one every week at the orphanage. I can't believe I completely forgot about it. I guess I've just been so busy with everything else going on in my life. I'll have to do one right when I get home.

Now I have nowhere to go. I'm never going back to Eddie's and I can't go back home right now. I don't want to see them. Even though they were right. They still invaded my space and decisions. And we still got in an argument.

I look at my phone and see that I have 9 missed calls: 2 from Eddie, one from each of the boys, and one from an unknown number. I don't even want to look at how many texts I have. I wonder who the unknown number is.

I decide to call it. It rings three times until a man picks up.

"Hello? Is this Maddie?"

"Um, yes, who is this" I ask.

"Oh sorry, my name is Bart. I manage a group of 9 boys who make vines. They are known as MAGCON. Have you heard of them?" Bart asks.

"Yes, actually I love their videos! But why did you call me?" I respond.

"Great! So I've seen your youtube videos and your vine channel and I think you're hilarious and I love your channels!!! How would you like to go on tour next week with MAGCON?" He offers.

"Oh my gosh! That sounds amazing!" I'm so excited!!! This tour is going to be so much fun!!

"Great! I'll call you tomorrow with more details, is that okay?" He asks me.

"That sounds perfect, I'll talk to you tomorrow" I say as we both hang up.

Maybe today won't be as bad as I thought. Now I just need a place to stay the night.

"Maddie?" A girl asks as she walks up to me.

"Umm do I know you?" I ask. I think I might recognize her from somewhere but I'm not sure.

"We were best friends! We did everything together! Lauren Evans... ring a bell?" She asks.

"OMG! LAUREN!!!!! I haven't seen you in forever!!!!" I say, realizing that she was my best friend before I went to the orphanage. She was the only person that cared about me and helped me with my dad and everything.

"I know right! I didn't know u lived around here... Did u get adopted?"

"Ya! But we kinda had an argument and that's why I'm here and not going home anytime soon..." I explain.

"Oh, well you're welcome to spend the night at my house, my dad won't mind. I also have a brother! He's pretty chill, but he can be pretty annoying sometimes. But my mom and dad split up so he stays with my mom most of the time and I stay with dad. Hey, I saw that you made a youtube channel... It a hilarious! I love your videos!" She compliments me.

"Awe thank you! I completely forgot about it for a little bit but when I go home I'll make another video... Unless you have one. Then we can do a best friend tag!!!" I exclaim.

"Yes! Let's get to my house and we can make the video!" She says excitedly.

I'm so excited! I have my best friend back and I'm going on tour with my favorite group of viners! Tonight is gonna be great!

(A/N: so I hope it's okay I'm adding MAGCON in the fanfic... comment your thoughts and I'll adjust my plans for the tour and stuff according to what you guys want to see (more magcon, more o2l, or both) PLEASE KEEP COMMENTING, READING, AND VOTING! ILY GUYS<3)

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