Girls Night

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We get to Lauren's house and we set up a camera. After we get ready, we start the video.

"Hey guys! It's Maddie! I know, I'm a horrible person. I've been so busy with everything lately I haven't uploaded a video in forever!!! But don't worry, I'm back! And I have big news!!!!!! I'm going on tour with MAGCON next week!!! Yay! So get your tickets, the link will be below in the description. Now, I have to introduce you all to my best friend, Lauren Evans!!!! And today we're going to be doing the best friend tag!" I introduce.

"Hi guys!" Lauren says.

"So, the first question, most embarrassing memory of each other?" I state.

"Well, I think the most embarrassing story of you was in Kindergarden when you when you were wearing that romper thing, and that day you were in such a hurry that morning, you completely forgot to wear underwear. And your romper was only tied together by a little bow by the back of your neck, and some jerk kid untied it and your romper fell down and u were butt naked" Lauren answers, as we both start cracking up, remembering that Kindergarden memory.

We finish the best friend tag, and wrap up the video. I take the camera and put the video into Lauren's computer. Editing takes a while and I want to hang out with Lauren, so I decide to wait to edit until later.

It's now pretty late so we decide to snuggle up on the couch and watch a couple movies. First we watch The Notebook, and then we watch Mean Girls, quoting every scene. I love those movies.

"What do u want to do now?" Lauren asks me.

"We should make a midnight snack. Like s'mores!!!" I suggest. Yes, we're going to make s'mores in the middle of the night. Judge me.

"Ok! Let's get out all the ingredients and then we can roast the marshmallows on the stove" Lauren tells me.

We get out the chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers, and Lauren gets out Nutella.

"Why did u get out Nutella, Lauren?" I ask her.

"You've never had s'mores with Nutella???" She asks me, surprised.

"No.." I answer.

"Girl, you haven't lived. You're trying them tonight" she says.

We start roasting marshmallows, and I make my first s'more. I spread Nutella on the graham cracker and put chocolate on top, then I put the marshmallow in.

And let me tell you, it was the best thing I've ever tasted in my life. She was not kidding when she said I haven't lived.

I could not stop eating them. But I limited myself to three. The only reason I ate them was because the boys didn't realize they have only fed me one meal that I barely ate while I was with them. I bet they don't even care.

On a lighter note, me and Lauren decide to pull an all-nighter. So next, we decide to go TP-ing. We bring tons of rolls of toilet paper in trash bags and go to a house down the street. We start throwing toilet paper in the trees, all over the lawn, on the roof, all over the top of the house, on the deck, they're car, and I even got one down the chimney.

It was so much fun. That was my first time TP-ing.

We run away laughing and get back to the house. Forget the all-nighter. It's 2:00 in the morning and we decide to go to sleep for a little bit.

Tonight was so much fun! I'm so glad I have my best friend back.

(A/N: sorry this chapter was kinda lame, it was sort of a filler. PLEASE keep reading, commenting, and voting!!!!!! Ily all!!!)

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