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Jughead POV (what jugheads parents were gonna tell him.)
My parents told me we were gonna move. I got in a depressed mood and went out. I went to a bar and I was drunk. I saw Sarah and she was sober.
"Hey jug wanna Dance?" She asked slyly. For some reason I said yes. We ended up sleeping together. When I woke up she had left and my parents the night before so they didn't know about Sarah and Jellybean went to sleep over to her friends house.
Present time
I cant believe Betty doesn't love me and has been playing with my feelings for God knows how long. I also blurted out that I slept with Sarah. Shit. Wait why do I feel so bad. I got home and got in bed and started at the ceiling.Today is the last day I am gonna be in Riverdale, tomorrow I'm leaving to Toledo. I heard my phone blowing up and I groaned in annoyance. I saw that is was notifications from the group chat. Betty was deleted from it because of Veronica and her argument. I tried to get her back on it but failed but now I'm happy I did.
Kevin: GUYS
Cheryl: oh my god...
Veronica: me and Betty might have gotten to a very very bad fight but I feel so bad
Archie: Jughead where are you?!
Me: me and Betty broke up...and I'm also moving to Toledo tommorow I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys earlier
*You have left this groupchat permanently*
Cheryl POV
I went to Betty's to go comfort her. She just got in a break up and her mom was MURDERED by Betty's dad and her dad is the black hood. I entered the house with the secret key that Betty has in her hiding spot. Everything was so quiet. I went upstairs to her room and knocked on the door. "Can I come in Betty...its me Cheryl...". No response. I walked in and saw that her room was a mess and I could see everything broken on the floor. "Betty?!" I called out her name. I checked the bathroom and tried to turn the knob but it was locked. "Betty please open! If you don't I'll come in myself!" Then the worst thing popped in my head. Oh no. "BETTY PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE" I beg while I try to find something to open the door. I luckily find something and open the door and see her blood all over the floor and a blade and her body on the floor. "No no no no, Betty please." I say crying I quickly grab my phone and dail 911.They soon come and tell the rest to come to the hospital and I would explain everything. They got there and I explained everything. Five days later she woke up and she is lucky for how much blood she lost. She explained everything about the Black hood and we were all in tears. She would be realised today. She told me she would run away to the Southside and she wanted me to come but I couldn't tell anyone she is running away. I really wanted to go I wanted to get away from "home" where my cruel mother was. I accepted. I went to the hospital to go pick her up. She went to her house and got her things and I went to mine to pack my things. I sighed and left what I sadly used to call home...

Changed-Betty CooperWhere stories live. Discover now