Everybody Dies In Their Nightmares

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Betty POV
I had woken up with a horrible hangover. I put on a crop top hoodie and grey sweatpants. We all cleaned up the house and surprisingly we finished really quickly. We decided to watch TV.
"Hey guys I need to tell you something important and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier..." Toni said.
"What happened...?" I asked
"C-Chuck is back" Cheryl studderd.
Time skip
It was 2 days ago that Cheryl had told me that Chuck is back. Chuck is main reason for my sister's death... suicide. I also now know the reason why Cheryl and Toni disappeared in the middle of the party.
I heard crying from Cheryl and Toni's room. I opened the door and saw Cheryl crying.
"Cheryl what happened?"
"The reason why I dis-disappeared from the party is because of Chuck. He-he was there. He raped me. I told Toni. But by that time he le-left."
By the time she finished I had tears running down my face too. I comforted her that night.
End of flashback
It was last night that Cheryl had confessed. I had to get up for school today. Ugh Mondays.I did some light make up and I changed into an outfit:

I did some light make up and I changed into an outfit:

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I did my hair in a messy bun. Then I got my serpent jacket and went downstairs to make breakfast for everyone. I saw everyone else wake up and eat then we all got to school.
When we parked and I went inside with my friends. I went to my lockers and me and my friends were on our way to the lounge but say Chuck Clayton walk in and I clenched my jaw. We made eye contact. I gave him a death glare and I saw fear in his eyes but he disguised it with a smug look. I continued with my school day. I was in class when I needed to go to the bathroom i asked to go and my teacher said yes. I was about to get out of my stall but then i heard the bathroom door open and crying. I opened the door and saw Cheryl.
"Oh my God Cheryl..."
She continued sobbing as I hugged her.
"Is is because of Chuck?" I asked.
She nodded and I felt a tear come out of my eye. Then anger filled my veins.
"Cheryl I need to teach him a lesson. He can NOT mess with my family!"
"Betty no please..."
"Well someone has to."
I know where Chuck is at the moment. The boys locker room. I opened the door and I see Toni in the halls because the bell had rung. I tell her to go comfort Cheryl and I make my way to the boys locker room as my nails dig is my palms. I open the door to the locker room and I see most guys look at me. I see Archie and Jughead and they were in my way so I got in between them and pushed them away from each other as I walked towards Chuck as he got in my vision and he was putting on his shirt and already had pants on. I got to him and slapped him really hard.
"Oh.. Cheryl? You have no proof."
"I don't need prove to do this" I say and beat him up. Then I feel two people pull me back and I see that those two people were sweet pea and fangs. I felt my eyes water as I thought of Polly and Cheryl...and me
"You crazy bitch!"
I rip off Sweet Pea and Fangs grip off and leave. I get on my motorcycle and go home.
Flashback to 4 years ago
Veronica told me that I should go to this party hosted by Chuck. Everyone was drunk. Chuck offered me a drink and he gave it to me. I drank it and I started to feel drizzy and sleepy. Chuck led me upstairs. I mumbled thanks. Then out of nowhere, Chuck started to take off my clothes as he whispered that we were having fun. I wanted him to stop and I kept on mumbling it. I just wanted to go home and have Jughead lay next to me. I felt him thrusting inside me. By the time he stopped he put my clothes back on and told Veronica that I passes out. He whispered to me that he would make sure my loved ones would suffer if I told anyone and I knew what Chuck Clayton was capable of doing.
End of flashback
I never told anyone about that night, even Cheryl. I sat in my bed and cried. I went to the bathroom and checked if I had anything sharp. I saw a blade. I grabbed it and I lifted my sleeve and started cutting a couple lines. I put on some bandages and grabbed the strongest drink we had. I started drinking it.

Changed-Betty CooperHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin