Chapter 23: Would You Rather This Never Happened?

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Chapter 23: Would You Rather This Never Happened?

Spoiler: Connor and Sierra _________ to each other! (1 word)


I was totally flabbergasted when Tessa asked how long I have been dating Connor.

We're not even dating!

"Um," I blushed, "no, Tessa, I'm not dating Connor."

She shot me a knowing look.

"Really," I said, "we're not dating. He and I are just good friends."

Tessa seemed disappointed, "Good friends?"

"Yeah," I smiled.

Do I want more?

Tessa sighed, "And I thought he had quit his player ways. But it is a good sign that you are good friends, the only other girl that Connor has a normal relationship with is Fern. He was worrying me."

"You know about his player ways?" I didn't hide my giggle. Personally I was thrilled that I was one of the two girls Connor respected.

Well, one of the two girls.

Suddenly the door was thrown open and Connor pointed at us, "Busted! You were saying bad things about me!"

I laughed at how childish he was. Funny how a person that tall can act like a three-year-old.

"Oh," Tessa waved her hand, "you're late. You missed the best part," she winked at me.

I love this grandma.

Connor shut the door and came over, "Here's your soup, I got it for free downstairs," he grinned.

Tessa scoffed, "Connor! You don't say that in front of a girl! Especially a potential girlfriend."

I couldn't tell you whose cheeks were redder - mine or Connor's.

To ease the embarrassment, I teased, "So your flirting earned you free soup, congrats."

He clicked his tongue, "Potential girlfriend alright, you're one hell of a smart girl."

I rolled my eyes but had to stop the corners of my lips from smiling.

Connor winked at me, mouthing "I mean it."

"Oh just get together already," Tessa held up the spoon, "the lovey dovey tension is driving me nuts."

I helped her open the lid of the soup, "Maybe Connor is feeling the tension, but not for me."

"Of course," Connor drawled as he laid on his back on the bed, typing, his fingers flying on the screen of his phone, "you're enduring the worst stages of sexual tension."

"Connor!" Tessa and I yelled at him.

"Not in front of a girl!"

"Not in front of your grandma!"

She and I reprimanded simultaneously.

He lifted his head and flashed us a toothy grin, "Awesome to know that you two getting along so well. Now tiger and I have to leave."

"Now?" I asked, bewildered, I thought we were going to stay longer with Tessa. She must have been lonely.

Connor looked at Tessa, something passed between their eyes that I didn't understand.

Tessa smiled, patting my hand and kissed my cheek, "I'm glad Connor took you here."

"This is goodbye?" I am a little upset. No lie. I like Tessa and I don't want her spending all her time alone.

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