Chapter 48 - I prefer calling you my queen

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Chapter 48 - I prefer calling you my queen

Dedicated to girlonline17

(Pic of Sierra!)

Sierra's P.O.V.


My house was dark when I got home - when we got home - as in Connor and I.

I was still blushing and giggling while Connor was smug.

His fingers were threaded through mine as he led me through the front door, I guess I was acting like too much of a drunkard.

"How can you not drink and still be so high?" Connor groaned, "It's ridiculous."

I pouted, "But it's cute," then I tripped and fell onto the couch.

Ladies, this wasn't my idea of getting Connor to bed, seriously. Though you can try it. No wait, don't try it, he's mine.

Connor rolled his eyes and laughed, "You, my girlfriend, is such an annoying puppy."

My mouth formed a furious "o", "I am supposed to be the kitten, not a dog!"

He crossed his arms, "What's wrong with a dog? Frappe's awesome."

I accepted his extended arm and let him pull me up from the couch, "I like kittens more. Cute, cuddly, baby kittens."

"You know," He said while dragging up the stairs, "The word 'kitten' already has the meaning of 'baby' in it."

"So what?" I almost screeched.

Connor's hand came over my mouth, "Shh, you'll wake up the whole house."

I glared at him, and he glared back.

But a moment later his hand left my mouth and we burst out laughing.

"Humphrey, what was that?" He choked out between laughs.

I shook my head, "I have no idea, Matthews. Must be your flaunting earlier though."

He locked my wrists in his hands and drew me close, his head very very close to mine.

I could feel him breathing, and the muscles and abs and everything nice.

Oh my, that sounded very perverted.

"I wouldn't call that flaunting," He growled as his lips touched the spot below my ear and set it on fire.

I gasped when he moved lower, "Then what should it be?"

He frowned, "Oh, I don't know. Why don't you give me a better noun?"

Being extremely helpful, I yawned. With my mouth open and my hands still bound by his.

Now that set my face on fire.

Connor chuckled, "I guess you'll never be a little lady, spider. Come on, let's get you to bed, you're collapsing."

"You know what that sounded like, right?" I remarked as I climbed on his back for a piggyback ride, my arms linked around his neck.

I could almost feel him smirking.

Patting his disheveled hair, I asked sweetly, "But I'm still your lady, right?"

"I prefer calling you my queen."

That line could literally be the death of me.


A few minutes later, I was swaddled by the blankets in my bed.

I didn't shower.

Hey, I was too tired.

Didn't matter 'cause neither did Connor.

"I want to shower," He complained, "But if I did and slept with you, I would be dirty all over again."

"So do you not want to sleep with me?" I challenged him indignantly.

Connor raised his eyebrows, "Well. No."

"Then shut up and come over," I snuggled myself into the warmth of the blankets, my eyes closing.

"Fine," I heard Connor's voice sounding closer.

Finally, the bed dipped as he crawled into it, and I turned to face him.

"Goodnight," I whispered sleepily.

He hugged me into his broad chest and kissed my forehead, "Night, spider."

"Thanks for tonight."



Incidentally, I had completely forgotten about the creepy man who looked like Connor whom I saw earlier.

Suddenly waking up in the middle of the night, realization hit me.

Could he be...

Sean Matthews?


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