Chapter Three.

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Quick A/N:I know I promised to update everyday but I live in South Africa and we're in our third term which basically means we use this term to prepare for our exams in the fourth term and I go to a very complicated ass school. It's a school for Cullinary Arts,Enterprise Management,Dance,Art and Music. So the work is always double so I'm really busy. I have a maximum of like 4 tests a week and I do music so the theory tests and the practicals are sooooo diffffiiiccult! Anyway so now you know so yeah,thanks bye.


What was that?. I swear my mom can be so weird. "Ohhhkay. So I take it we must inform Jah about this?" Mila asked,"Yeah uhm,please call her down." Mila got up and hurried upstairs and came back with Jah a few minutes later. "Yeah,so what's up?" Jah said looking at. My Laaawd. This child is gonna be the death of me. Mila briefly explains the story to her and she looks so confused. "Well,I guess the only way to solve this is to go over there. Where do you live Jahsani?" Jah enquired,I felt some rise up to my cheeks as I cleared my throat,"Five minutes away." I answered. "Alright. Leggo!" Jah said.

After a few awkward minutes,we were finally at my house. "Your house is nice Jahsani." Jah said to break the silence,"Why don't you call her Prise?" Mila asked,"Her name is Jahsani"-"And Kaprise." Mila cut Jah. "Ok,ok sisters. Either or,is fine with me." I said in attempt of breaking up the fight. "Oh my God! It really is you!" My mom exclaimed from the driveway. "You look exactly like her." She said,they did look pretty alike. Well,alot alike. "Hi mam." Jah and Mila respectfully greeted as if they were programmed to say it at the same time. "Mam? Who? Me? Nonsense. I'm your Aunty Jacquiline. Remember me? Well,Jah would because she wasn't so young when she last saw me. And Milana,I'm not so sure." My mom said,I turned to see Jah's jaw dropped and her eyes glossy. "A-aunty-y Jac-cqui?" She painfully stuttered,"Yes Jahsani Jacquiline Banks. It's me."
Jacquiline? Man,what fuck is going on here? "Uhm,can anyone please fill us in?" Mila asked probably looking at my suprised face. "Come inside first please." My mom said.

We all were instantly invited by a good home-cooked meal smell,"Alright. Jah,you know your seat. Mila,you too. Prise." My mom ordered,as they sat down. Wait...there's only person who always had that seat,I thought as Jah sat down. Could it be-,no. It can't be. Let me try something. I start singing.

If one day,we would lose each other.
I promise,I will find you.
Nobody,not my father.
Can't find me for you.
I pray,I pray and I pray.
That I never get to lose you.
Not now,not ever.
Cause I wouldn't stand losing you.

I promise,I will find you.
There won't be nothing I wouldn't do.
So,my baby,I could find you.
I promise,I will find you.

Maybe 10 years later,you won't remember me.
But me? Oh,I'll remember you.
Nothing,nothing can make me happier than being free.
With you.....

Maybe,staying wasn't a good idea for you.
But I promise,I will find you.

I stopped singing,only to find Jah looking directly at me. She suprised me when she started to sing.

When the oceans too deep,when the rivers and the seas.
I promise,I will find you.
When the rain ain't too calm,thunder raging through the storm.
I promise,I will find you.
If the world breaks apart,and you get lost with my heart.
I promise,I will find you.

"SaSa" "PriPri",we both said simutaneously. My mom walked in,"It happened,hasn't it?" She said,I didn't even want to look at her. Why could she do this? Keep me from the love of my life like this?. "Oh my God." Mila said,looking suprised as hell. "That's PriPri?" She questioned again. "SaSa-" "PriPri-" we said at the same time again,Jah clears her throat and goes,"You go first." She said,"Well,I guess since we couldn't find each other. Mila did it for us?" I laughed humorlessly,"I missed you so much. And I'm so so sorry I hit you." Jah replied coming to me. "YOU HIT WHO!? Jahsani Jacquiline Banks! I WILL WHOOP YO ASS!" My mom shouted,taking off her shoe. "Chill,chill. Ain't no need to turn this into KillBill." I said laughing(Big Sean-Jump Out The Window. Sorry,I just love music.),"It was a mistake Aunty. Besides,she was being a bit too rude for my liking." Jah laughed as she nudged my side,"Me? Oh no girl,I had every right in the world to be rude. You took my parking space." I said smacking my lips. We all laughed. "Tayonna would've been proud of you Jacquiline. You are truly what I saw you become. So strong. I must say when she died,I was broken and when I lost you guys,I was broken down. At the same time,I was pregnant with my little bimbo. I just wish I could've helped more throughout. But I hope you know that I have been praying for this for a long time. Tayonna was more like my sister,actually my twin. I miss her so much."My mom cried. This is either the beginning of something good or something sad.

Another A/N: Matte Red Mercedes Benz CLA220 CDI (2018) AMG Sport with black highlights and Emmanuel Papageorgiou designer rims. Custom red leather Gucci seats with a Fornio Eblanco design.
Ok. Ok. Let me calm down but before that let's talk about some nice ass cars.
Chrome gold Buggati Veyron with customized Eblanco rims and custom gold seats.
Jet black BMW i8 with ROSEGOLD highlights and rims.
Matte Red Lamborghini huracan 20000k diamonds encrusted with tinted black windows and customized matte black Emmanuel Papageorgiou rims. Let me go be broke in peace.

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