Chapter 9: Dragons, Ninjas and Earthquakes

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I look at myself in the mirror frowning slightly. I gingerly touch my face, trying to make sure the shallow cuts I gained yesterday were hidden enough  by my makeup. 

It seems so. 

 My eyes then travel down to the rest of my body; the large denim jacket with the dragonfly that Lexi gave me on the shoulder of the sleeve, the dark green shirt that laid underneath and a pair of black leggings. I rolled down the sleeves of the jacket so that I look less weird and so that my injured arm remains covered. I then threw my brown hair up into a ponytail, remanants of my old fringe dangling in front of my eyes being an incentive for me to brush them away. I'll trim them tomorrow, this time, I tell myself for the billionth time since having them.

Feeling some form of satisfaction as to how I look I then grab ahold of my bag, leaving my room so that I can make my way to school. But a call from my father stops me, annoyance instantly festering at the mere sound of him. 

"Don't leave without me just yet Button." He yells from the kitchen.

"I need to go.." I call back, racking my brain trying to figure out a reason. "Have to help Alexis with her bio."

"Is that so?"


He pops his bald head out from the kitchen, narrowing his green eyes out of disbelief, "well that's quite convenient then isn't it?"

I stare back blankly already knowing what he is going to bring up, "what do you mean?" I ask deciding to just act dumb.

He ducks back into the kitchen and then emerges once more except fully, a bag slung across and a cup of coffee in hand with a serious look in his eyes evidently suggesting that the conversation we're about to have is one free of jokes.

"Well you've been avoiding me a bit." He says strolling over to me, he peers down at me, tension in his brow, looking concerned. I frown too, trying to act apologetic.

"Sorry." I mutter. "I've just been liking my own company more than usual lately."

"If it's anything to do with-"

"Yeah I know, I will come and talk to you if shit's hit the fan and everything." I answer a bit too dismissevely, I turn and open the door so that we could leave.

It didn't take much for a terse and tense air to settle over our silence, my father clearly knows that something is wrong but chose not to confront it. I, obviously still feeling betrayed and angry about what he had said that day at the hospital, walk ahead of him with my mouth press in a thin line as if to prevent any words from escaping. To absolutely make sure that a conversation could not take place, I busy myself with my phone, scrolling through my text messages and answering the ones I've left unanswered. My eyes went over to my Mum's contact, no new message from her since she left. I want to say something to her, to text her and see how she is. But I find that I can't... She's in DC to take a break from my father and so me texting her would probably cause her to think about New York and become upset. So instead I click on the group chat I have with Nina and Alexis, messaging a request.

Anyone wanna get me a cinnamon roll?

Lexis: So u want me to get u myself? K

Nina: You're not a cinnamon roll Alexis.

Lexis: Yes I am, Im the most wholesome and sweet out of all of us.

Lexis: But yeah I'll get u a cinnamon roll, love ya babs

Thanks, I'll pay you back

My Mutation (TMNT FANFIC) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now