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Knife to the heart 

Blood that heals others

I take a deep breath and let myself go
I caused this
If I didn't do this
If I didn't do that then...

Just maybe, this wouldn't have happened

If I didn't speak 
If I didn't lose my mind

If I kept or didn't keep these secrets sooner

Then maybe then I wouldn't be in this place

Maybe I am just taking the blame...

Has this too become an addiction?
Am I really just taking blame?

Then why those tears when I hear the words
Why do I see myself as if the one who ruined 
Ruined the people around 
Cursed the ones who were near me 
As I see them and their life taking a downward flight 


They say I am blaming myself for nothing
But all I see are patterns
Patterns that seem to exist when I am around
If blame is my addict when will I learn to forgive myself 

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