Chapter 34

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I was waiting outside Maine's room, the Sato's visited her today and I don't want to disturbed their family moment. Yet, she is not awake but her body, her fingers move that's progress. I saw Jake with his steps fasten towards me he looked irritated.

"We need to talk" he said.

"About what?" I asked.

"Don't fucking play dumb kuya, you know what I'm pointing" his voice was strong its irritating to hear. I looked at him giving a bored sigh.

I stood up and followed him into a corner of the hospital near an exit I leaned against the wall, waiting for him to scold me. I know exactly why, I got into his computers and edited something at the morgue so that it will be easier for Ssylix and Zander to steal those bodies.

"You've almost put a risk into our business, why the hell did you touch my computers without my permission and did something without my guidance?" he asked.

Jake loved his computers with his life, I may not be so expert about computer shit but I have knowledge. that includes mistakes in stepping into the cyber world.

"Jake, are you underestimating me just because I use all this cyber stuff? I know how to hack, so don't worry." I said, leaning against the wall.

He sighed massaging his temple "That's not what I'm pointing at" he said.

My brows frowned looking at him.

"For pete saka kuya chips are on my keyboard, you hacked into my computer without turning it off, you didn't even use Nova" he said arguing like a kid.

"Did it cause you harm?" I asked.

"Lightly" he replied.

He sighed, putting his hands on the collar of his turtleneck jacket.

"Why did you do that anyway?" he asked.

"I had to do what needed to be done," I answered.

"You really changed after Maine stepped in your life" he said looking at me.

"She already stepped into my life before. She was the one I've been looking for all these years, Jake, you know that," I said to him.

"Well, I guess I'm thankful you won't bug me about her again," he said.

He started to walk away, and my gaze stayed fixed on him until he paused and looked back at me.

"And kuya, you're temporarily banned from using my computer," he said, then walked away.

I smirked and returned to the waiting chairs. I saw Josh's parents leaving, and Josh waved goodbye to them. I walked towards Josh.

He noticed my presence and his brows frowned "Where were you?" he asked.

"I was having a conversation with someone" I said.

I went inside looking at Maine so peacefully sleeping, I wonder what she's dreaming on her deep slumber.

"Khian, I have to deal with something first I'll be back" he said.

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