Lutz cautiously started, "It vas an accident." That was all he got out before two hundred pounds of furious Russian had him against the living room wall. He wasn't there for long, though. Vlad dragged him along by the throat, to the door. He threw him hard into the snow and slammed the door. The house was silent.

Matthieu stood in the living room feeling incredibly nauseous. His brain felt numb. This couldn't be happening. Matthieu had finally gotten Lutz and Vlad back together. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly. "Pasha, I'm so sorry." He whispered, wrapping his arms around himself. 

Vlad stayed against the door for a moment. Pasha whispered, "Papa--no, I...I didn't think--" He trailed off. Vlad walked back into the living room, being careful as he approached Pasha again. He sat down on the floor and pulled the boy into his lap, holding him close to his chest. He didn't speak. He couldn't.

He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." Matthieu repeated before he left the living room. He went and pulled his converse on and he walked out into the snow. He knew that Anne-Marie was safe. He needed to see if Lutz had even left yet.

He held onto the hope that the man hadn't left yet. Matthieu knew that if Lutz had left he would break. Matthieu knew what he shouldn't love him. After everything that Lutz did to Pasha, he shouldn't have given that man this love. He didn't even know how he fell in love with him in the first place. All he knew was that if Lutz's truck was missing from their driveway he wouldn't know what to do. 

Matthieu felt a lump in his throat when he saw the truck missing. He managed to get a few steps away from the house before he collapsed into the snow, sobbing brokenly. He wrapped his arms tightly around his stomach and he curled forward, letting his tears fall into the snow. He didn't want to go back to sneaking around behind Vlad's back just to have Lutz hold him. He didn't want to recognize just how fucked up his household had gotten. 

Matthieu began gasping for breath as he felt himself start to panic. What if Vlad made him choose between him and Lutz? Was that even a question that he could answer? Matthieu really didn't think that he could do that. He couldn't just leave the father of his newborn child, but he also couldn't leave his husband. Matthieu now had children with both of them and he couldn't just choose between them. 

Lutz had already left. More than likely to go home and drink copious amounts of alcohol. Matthieu sobbed at the thought. Everything hurt and he just didn't know what to do. The cold around him went completely unnoticed as he continued to wage wars with himself. 

After what felt like forever, Matthieu slowly forced himself to his feet. He staggered himself back inside and he went to go find his daughter Roksana. When he found her she was still holding both Anne-Marie and Radomir. Matthieu didn't even bother to wipe his tear-stained face. He just took Anne-Marie from Roksana's hold and he made his way upstairs. Matthieu didn't speak as he made his way upstairs, just held Lutz's child close to his chest. 

Matthieu made his way to their bedroom and he locked the door behind himself. He laid Anne-Marie on the bed gently and he went to change out of his wet clothes. Forgoing a shirt of any kind, Matthieu pulled on a clean pair of underwear and another pair of sweats before crawling into bed with his little girl. He pulled the blankets up and over them and he snuggled his daughter close. 

The little girl that looked so much like her father cooed softly. She could tell that there was definitely something wrong. Matthieu just pressed his lips to the top of her head and he closed his eyes. Anne-Marie continued to coo and lightly pat his face. After a few minutes of silence Matthieu finally whispered, "It's nap time, little one. We'll go see Vati soon. Get some rest."

Anne-Marie giggled at the name. "Vaaa!!!" She said. Matthieu nodded his head. "Mhm, that's right. Vaaaati. We'll go see him after Père sorts through his thoughts." He murmured. "Pe!!" She said and he nodded once more. "Sleep well little one." He managed, voice scratchy from the crying.

Matthieu shifted his arms around her better and he watched her until she fell asleep. Once his little girl was fully asleep, he closed his eyes and drifted off as well. Matthieu decided that he would figure out what to do after he had gotten some rest. He was far too emotionally drained.

Stories that I think of while rping with a friendWhere stories live. Discover now