Chapter One

777 33 15

September 2018

The airplane is growing stuffer and stuffer as we get closer to America. My father decided to take a job offer in Georgia and packed up the whole family with him, much to my dismay. My life was perfectly fine back home in England, had a great group of friends. Now, I'm forced to move to some lame ass town in Georgia in a very historical and breathtaking home. Breathtaking my ass, that's just a nice way saying it's a run down piece of shit that my father found on short notice.

After about a six hour flight we finally landed at the Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta airport. We have to rent a car until dad purchases one and drive four hours all the way down to Savannah. My brother applied to Savannah college of Art and Design when he found out we were moving and he quickly got accepted.

My brother, Nathan, is two years older then I am. Apart from Nathan I also have a younger sister by two years named Olivia, who prefers to be called Liv now. Her and Nat were actually excited about this move. I on the other hand, obviously was not so thrilled if you already couldn't tell.

There can't possibly be anything worse then being stuck on a six hour flight then spending another four hours driving through the state of Georgia. There isn't much to the place, most of it is rural areas. Atlanta looked cool to me, it reminded me of England in a way. It just didn't have a bridge, giant clock, and the London Eye.

Another thing, I have never seen so many god damn trees in my entire life. Dad had to start taking backroads on the last hour of the car ride. I sighed in relieve when I finally saw the "Welcome to Savannah" sign. The truck that has all of our stuff won't be here for two days, so we'll have to sleep on air mattresses downstairs until then. Mum said that the power was turned on yesterday so thank fuck for that. I was not about to stay in a house that has no air condition in this hot and humid weather.

"Alright guys, welcome to your new house." My dad says as he turns down a dirt road and an old white house with chipped paint comes into view.

The house itself looked nice maybe a little dated due to the chipping but a fresh coat of paint could fix that. The house was two stories with four giant pillars at the front holding the balcony up above. It kind of resembled the house that the one dude built in some bullshit Nicholas Sparks movie that I was forced to watch during movie night at home.

"I know what you all may be thinking, yes it's a little run down but no one has lived here since the late sixties. It just needs a little fixing up, not too many renovations." Dad continues saying. No one has lived here in almost fifty years, why?

"Why hasn't anyone lived here?" I asked curiously. Is there something wrong with the place?

"The seller couldn't release any past owners information to me. But, this was the only good size house for us on such short noticed." There better not have been some satanic Amityville horror bullshit going down at this place.

Once the car stops at the side of the house, everyone piles out of the car. Looking up at the house I kind of get a weird vibe from it but I brush it aside. Everyone starts getting their luggage out of the car and we walk up to the front door. Dad had stopped at the mail box and got a pair of keys out of it, apparently the realtor guy left them there, a little shady if you ask me.

Dad puts the key into the old lock and when it opens the door creaks horrible. My bet is that the door hasn't been changed for decades. We all walk into the house and the first thing we see is a foyer with a door right beside the front door, my guess is that it's a closet to hang your coats in.

The air in the house feels a bit stuffy, like a window needs to be open just to get some fresh air. Everyone goes on ahead except for me, I just look around at how dusty the place is. I know I will have to be the one to climb up a ladder and dust that chandelier on the ceiling. Considering I'm the tallest in the family being six feet and two inches tall.

After deciding that I've examined the foyer enough, I walk on ahead and I see an open concept living room and kitchen area, To the left is where the living room would be considering there is a big fireplace in the middle of the wall. On the left is a decent sized kitchen with older appliances and off white cabinets. A little room is just off of the kitchen, I'm pretty sure that's the dining room.

When you walk further into the living room you can turn around and see a set of steps that leads upstairs.

"The house has four bedrooms and two full baths along with an attic and a basement, we'll use the basement for storage but I will have to convert the attic into my home office." Dad says.

Everyone nods at what he said but me, I don't know what this feeling I have is inside of me. One thing I know for sure, is that this house is very different, I mean why else would a house be completely vacant for fifty years.

"Nik, can you help me get the air mattresses and bedding out of the car?" Dad asks me. My eyes roll very quickly so he can't see it and I walk towards the front with him. We both walk outside and get to the boot of the car where he opens it up and starts grabbing the boxes that holds the mattresses.

"I know you've been having a hard time with this move, but being here can be really good for this family. Plus Savannah has some really good culture I've heard, you could learn something here." He says while handing me a box.

"Father, why don't you cut the bullshit and remember why you really wanted to leave England." I say and his eyes drops. I'm sure as hell going to remember what I saw for the rest of my life. He told the rest of my family that the move was because he got an offer to be the head of a new branch of the business he worked at, but I know the real reason.

"Nik, you know I made a grave mistakes, and I'm trying to make up for it." He says with pleading eyes.

"Well you're never going to make up for it with me and you haven't even bothered telling mum yet." I say while gesturing to the house along with squinting my eyes at him and due to the sun.

"Telling your mum will only hurt her and I don't want that. You have no idea how much I wish I could take back what I did."

"The longer you keep it a secret the worst it will get." I say while stepping away from him, "Trust me."

My feet carry me back up the steps to the house, when I walk in my brother and sister aren't downstairs.

"Where's Nat and Liv?" I ask mum.

"They went upstairs to look at the rooms." She simply answers.

Great, that means I'm probably going to have the littlest room now. I quickly sit the box down and I walk upstairs, the floors creak with literally every step I take. When I make it to the top of the stairs I see four doors wide open. Liv walks out of one of them and yells, literally yells, "I think I found my room!"

Nat walks out of another room and says, "Hey Nik, I think you should take this room and I'll take the smallest, you have more stuff then me anyway." He offers.

I walk over to where he is standing by the door and I look into the room. When you look into it, you immediately see a medium size window. On the right side of the room next to the window there's a door that is obviously the closet.

"This door right here leads up to the attic." Nat tells me and I look and see the door to the attic is right beside my room.

He pats me on the back and walks down the hall into the room next to mine which I assume will be his. When I step into my room further I get that same vibe I felt outside. The further I stepped into the room I got closer to the window. Right outside my window is a view of the backyard and I see a few bushes of roses that are a deep red color. I hear a creak behind me and when I turn around no one is there, must be the house settling.

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