Chapter Three

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When we all woke up the next morning around seven, the moving truck had arrived so we all had to help the movers get our things into the house. My motorbike came with all of our stuff and I was pleased to see it. I got the bike last year on my sixteenth birthday and I've been riding it ever since. Mum always gets a little nervous about me riding it but I wear a helmet so she's at ease a bit. Dad, Nat and I helped carry in boxes into the house while Mum and Liv unpacked some things. By the time noon had rolled around all the furniture and boxes were in the house but we still needed to carry a lot of stuff upstairs.

We took a break so we could eat some lunch which consisted of some sandwiches and chips. I went and ate outside on the back porch since the weather was a little cooler today, there was a slight breeze which was nice. Looking out at the yard it did look pretty nice, maybe some maintenance needed to be done since no one lived here for decades. There were a few dead flowers, bushes, and weeds here and there. I'm still trying to figure out how those rose bushes in the middle of the yard is still alive. The color of the roses are such a vibrant red, you'd think someone was maintaining them everyday.

"Nik! Come back inside and help Liv carry these boxes upstairs to her room, please." Mum yells from the kitchen. I take the last bite of my sandwich and I head back into the house.

When I walk in Liv is standing by the stairs holding a box while standing by two other ones, I guess those are the ones I have to carry. Liv starts walking up the stairs as I grab the boxes and follow behind her. Liv's room is right beside Mum and Dads, right next to the staircase. I don't know what the hell is in these boxes but they're heavy as hell, Liv didn't bother writing what was in her boxes so I'm sure has no idea what's in which.

The movers had already carried up all of our bed frames and dressers, so we didn't have to worry about that. Liv had a couple of books that she kept in her room, now that I think about it, the boxes I was carrying might've been the books.

I'm probably the one who has most of the books in the family, when I first read The Great Gatsby when I was ten that's when I really fell in love with literature. The only thing I would ever want for Christmas or my birthday was books instead of video games.

My parents admired me for that, they were glad that I liked different things that kids my age typically didn't liked. Liv took noticed of how much I loved reading and begged me to read to her when she was younger. When she turned thirteen last year she decided to start discovering new books on her own. I kind of miss reading her to sleep sometimes, but I love how independent she's become.

"Thanks Nik." Liv says while hugging me around my waist. I bend down and wrap my arms around her shoulders a bit, the poor thing is only about five feet so her height stops just a little bit below my shoulders.

"You're welcome Liv." I say as we both pull away and she starts opening one of the boxes. I carried up all of my boxes before I ate lunch, so I decided to just go to my room and start unpacking.

My dresser was up against the window, my desk and bookshelf was against the wall where the door was, and my bed was against the left wall along with my nightstand beside it. My bedroom was mainly kept simple, back home in London I had a few posters with various bands and solo artists on the walls. I didn't know if I wanted to hang up those posters in this room, I might but who knows.

I put together my bed frame right when the movers brought it in, I wanted to hurry up and get everything unpacked and put together because I hate clutter. By the time dinner rolled around the movers were gone and I had all of my clothes hung up in my closet and folded in my dresser. The only thing I had to do is put my books on the shelves and make my bed.

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