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"I'm Kim Taehyung, but you can call me Tae"

I sat up a bit. This beautiful man was helping me, something no one else has never done for me in my life.

"Hey, whats your first lesson?" He asked as he stood up and put his hand out for me.

I took his hand and stood up. "I-I've got maths first, what about y-you?" I stuttered. I don't know why but I'm slowly catching stupid feelings for him. I haven't even known him for 5 minuets for fucks sake.

"I have the same. Shall we get going, princess?" He replied with a slight smirk.

He. Just. Called. Me. Princess. AND SMIRKED. I'm a bit confused but I go with it anyway.

"Yes well shall, my knight in shining armour~" I said. I'm not used to talking like this. Dammit I'm so awkward.

He was still holding my hand as he took me to his group of friends. Yes, all that time he was holding my hand in front of everyone.

"Let me introduce you to my friends,"

I looked at the six handsome men.

He turned to the tallest one there "This is Namjoon, or Rap mon. You could say that he is the leader of the group. He's like the dad and Jin is like the mother," He laughed as he turned to Jin.

"This is Jin. Jin takes care of us all by cooking for us and helping us with our work."

I smiled at them both shyly as I waved at them both. Taehyung then turned to the two smaller ones.

"Here is Yoongi, but we call him Suga. He acts like he doesn't care about us but he's really caring once you get to know him." Taehyung said as Yoongi smiled at me slightly, which made me smile back.

"The smallest one here is Jimin. Jimin is the one who has the baby hands and is also very clumsy." I smiled at Jimin and laughed slightly. Jimin blushed lightly, cute.

Taehyung turned around to the last two males. "This is Hobi, or Jhope. He is the one that makes the whole group smile and laugh. We call him 'the ball of sunshine', not to mention that he is a really good dancer!" I looked at Hobi and smiled cheerfully. Out of all of these boys he made me feel comfortable.

And finally he turned to the last one, "This is Jungkook. He is the baby of the group because he is the youngest." He looked at me for a minute and smirked. Taehyung gave him a questionable look.

I ignored that gesture. Now I would hopefully have seven new friends, right?


We were walking in a line, me in-between Taehyung and Namjoon.

"Taehy-" I began before he interrupted me.

"Please, call me Tae." He said whilst giving me this unique smile. It kinda reminded me of a box. I laugh mentally at myself.

"Okay, Tae, why did you help me when my bullys were attacking me?"

He looked ahead. "Bullying is a bad thing, no one deserves to be bullied. No matter what they do or what they say. And you say 'my bullys'.. They bully you all the time?" He looked at me.

"Yeah of course. They do this everyday. I'm used to this but I don't understand why today I was so weak.."

He stopped walking and held my arm so I would stop walking as well. He turned my body so I was only facing him. At this moment, I felt like me and him where the only people in the college halls.

"Look, I may not know you that well but I know for a fact that you are not weak. You look like a strong woman that doesn't stand for peoples shit. So don't you ever think that you're weak because I promise you that your not." Tae was now holding my two cold hands in his big soft, warm hands. I felt the blood rush to my face, making me blush.

We continued walking. Our hands connected. We were holding hands and I didn't even realise it. I went to move my hand back but he stopped me by grabbing onto my hand tightly.

We made our way to our maths class. I told Tae that I have my little corner at the back of the classroom with 7 empty seats, which was lucky for them. There was two on each table. Here was how we were sitting;

Namjoon&Jin       Yoongi&Hobi
     Me&Tae              Jungkook&Jimin

I sat in the corner next to Tae. Somehow I felt safe here, which was stupid because we were in class and no one could do anything anyway. At least that was what I thought.

The lesson was starting in the next 15 minuets but we arrived early so we all began talking to each other. Namjoon and Jin turned around to talk to me and Tae began to talk to Jungkook and Yoongi.

"So, how long have you been at this college?" Jin asked me.

"Two years. I have one more year here. I want to become a music producer and sing at my own concerts. I just want to make people happy with my music.." I ramble on. At this point Yoongi stopped talking to Tae and Jungkook and joined in with our conversation.

"So you like music as well?" He asked in a deep voice. My eyes widened slightly, I could tell. He continued, "I have my own studio. I kinda have the same dream as you and I would love to help you reach that dream.. You could come over tonight if you want?" He asked.

I couldn't believe what he was saying. "Yeah, sure I would like that.." I mumble. I looked up to see a perfect gummy smile. Awww.

Then Tae joined in. "Can we all come to your house?" He said rather quickly. Yoongi stared at him for a minute.

"Yeah sure whatever.." He replied. That was a bit weird. But at least I would be going to someone's house with six attractive men..


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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