How you two cuddle:

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Derek: He's really protective of you so he's always the big spoon. He always has one arm wrapped around you tightly and his face is buried in your neck. You often wake up to his scratchy stubble rubbing against your shoulder while he leaves trails of kisses from your jaw down to your collar bone.

Scott: You fall asleep with your head resting on his bare-chest and your arms wrapped around his waist. He likes playing with your hair while you sleep.

Stiles: He is always worried that you'll leave him so he never forgets to make you promise every night that you'll be there when he wakes up. He likes holding you tightly to his chest so that you can't get out of his grip.

Isaac: He loves falling asleep with his head on your chest. He says that your heartbeat helps him fall asleep, but you know that's only half the reason. He tends to get a little clingy to your boobs too and you can tell he enjoys being so close to them. You let him have his guilty pleasures... after all, you'd be lying if you said you'd never secretly checked him out when he was shirtless.

Liam: He's always coming home late from pack meetings or just from doing werewolf stuff, so you're often already asleep. He gently kisses you on the forehead and then lays down behind you and holds you close. You've never told him, but sometimes when he comes home, you're still awake, but you pretend that you're asleep so that you can fall asleep in his arms. He actually knows this because he can hear your heartbeat speed up when he kisses you, but he never tells you. He thinks it's cute.

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