Of Flowers, Bites and Summer Rain...

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A/N:  Hello~ Yes, Ayer all this time I am finally back with the last and final chapter of this series' first part ahaha. I just couldn't bring myself to post it, I kept modifying everything everyday after I came back from my vacation because I was so inspired! I hope the second part will live up to the first part aha! I really had a lot of fun writing it so I hope you'll love it too!

P.s: The song Hyuck 'named and created' is actually Lauv'a I like me better (which he didn't actually created or named in real life aha)

So without further ado, enjoy~

——————————— (Cross-posted on Ao3.)

'When did you find out you were an alpha?'

Hyuck laid his head back against his forearms, the myosotis and heliotropes scattered around the clearing tickling his face. Closing his eyes when the warm and heavy wind brushed past them, he let the ray of sun warm his face. It would rain soon – summer rain, Mark's favorite. Said boy looked up at the sky and pondered for an answer, absentmindedly counting the clouds.

When it was silent for too long, Haechan took a quick sniff and snorted, grinning.

'I don't need an essay on your childhood, you know? Stop thinking so hard and give me a simple answer dickhead.' he tsked, sighing in content when Mark moved a bit to the left and allowed more sun his way. The alpha smiled at at that, and looked down at the ground, chuckling.

Playing with a blue heliotrope, he hummed in contemplation. 'Quit messing with me Hyuck, you're on my territory.'

'Aw, too bad that I won't then, Markie poo~'


The warning should have been threatening. It really should have, but the truth is it held no bark and Haechan knew it. So, he only blew him a flying kiss in return and Mark groaned helplessly.

'I'd say... when I was seven?' he finally answered, shrugging. However, a gasp was heard right after and he looked up, surprised to find Hyuck sitting up.

'Seven? That's so early.' he stated in bewilderment, turning sideways to face the older boy. Since he lost contact with Mark around age five, he never really knew of what was going on in his life – only what he heard and saw from afar, but that's all. At the time, he wasn't really interested in Mark, so he never noticed...

Taking a closer look at the older, Haechan noted his frown and the way he toyed with his bracelets, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.

'Yeah it was... I always kinda felt like a misfit because of this.' he admitted, quickly glancing up at the younger to gauge his reaction. But Haechan only stared in surprise, eyes wide.

'Are you... are you serious?' he asked in bewilderment, slumping back down on the ground but angling his face so as to still see the older boy, blinking and nose scrunching up when a twig poked his eye. 'Mark, everyone loves you. Why would you ever feel like that?'

He really didn't understand. Mark had everything and everyone for himself, that really didn't make any sense. Mark only sighed and his hand stilled over the flower.

'But that's because I'm an alpha Hyuck. People thought of me as someone exceptional because I was so young and already presented- as an alpha. Because of that, people think I'm supposed to be strong all the time, people expected me to be a pack leader, they expected a lot from me.'

He paused to catch his breath and Donghyuck tried to meet his gaze but the older only stared at the bluish purple ground in front him.

'I had no friends at first, you know?' he added in a mutter and Donghyuck opened his mouth to protest but Mark didn't let him. 'I mean, yeah, people hung out with me because I was cool, because I was the 'young alpha'. It was all for the... for the appearances. I don't blame them though, it's what it always is when you're a kid. But yeah, I was unique and lonely.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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