The Hen And The Tie

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    Once upon a time, there was a hen named Hen. She was wandering around the farm, watching all of the other hens lay eggs. Hen couldn't lay eggs, and she didn't know why. It was just something she couldn't do.
    Then, around Thanksgiving, the farmer came to the chicken coups and collected a bunch of eggs. He brought a friend, who helped him. He told his friend that he was going to come back to the chicken coups to pick a special hen for Thanksgiving.
    When the hens heard this, they went crazy. All of them wanted to be chosen.
    When the farmer came back, he inspected all of the hens. When he came to a stop at Hen, Ben's heart leapt. I can't believe I'm being chosen! She thought.
    Hen was put in a pickup truck and driven to a butcher shop. When she was given to the big hairy butcher, she was taken to the back of the shop where a bunch of other hens were gathered up. The butcher put Hen in a cage with all the other hens and the butcher stepped over to a table where a hen was strapped down. The butcher picked up a cleaved and stood above the hen. The hen was very happy. That is, until the butcher raised the cleaver and chopped her head off.
    The hens in the cage went crazy, only this time, everybody was panicked. The hens raged and slammed against the cage. The butcher continued to butcher the hen strapped down to the table.
    Hen had an idea. She put one of her claws inbetween the wire and pulled. The claw cut through the wire. She kept on cutting the wire until she could fit through it. She hopped out of the cage and then she noticed a tie on the wall. The tie tried to talk to her. "Psst! Hey! You! Get me down! The butcher never wears me!" Hen climbed up onto the table and got the tie off the wall where it was hanging. "Ahh. Thank you. My name is Tie." Hen smiled. "My name is Hen. You are a good looking tie."  The tie loosened its knot and said, "Quick, put me on and then let's get out of here." Hen put the tie on her neck and then felt a surge of power. She started to hobble out of the butcher shop and back to her farm. The hens in the cage began to climb out and leave as well.
    This was the beginning of a legendary tale... The tale of... HEN-TIE!!!!

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