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He doesn't answer but goes back into the house. I run my hand through my dirty hair and look down at myself for the first time. I'm filthy—even worse than the boy. My red tank top and jean cutoffs are covered in dirt stains, the flannel wrapped around my waist has visible holes in the sleeves and my once white converse are now a disgusting shade of puke-brown.

Joe returned quickly holding a large, metal cup filled to the brim with lukewarm water. I've never seen anything so beautiful. I snatch it away from him and start chugging. I have to stop when it's only half empty because I'm afraid I will get sick. I don't have any food in my stomach, and the water is making me nauseous. I start breathing heavily and look up at Joe. His eyebrows are creased looking at me, "Who are you?" He doesn't say it in a mean way, but he does seem suspicious.

"I'm MJ" is all is say. I'm still not sure how to feel about this whole situation. I'm beyond thankful for the water, but this whole setup is very odd.

"Ooookay, MJ, what are you doing here?"

I suppose I owe him some sort of explanation. "To make a long story short, I got lost in the woods." He seems to accept that. "Could you help me get out of here?"

He straightens his shoulders and nods. I can tell he likes being the hero. "Of course I can, but we will have to wait for first light. It's too dangerous at night."

Who talks like that? I try to choose my words carefully before continuing. "That's what I figured. Um...do you think I could stay here?" I ask looking at the house. He looks down at ground. He seems uncomfortable with the proposition. I quickly add, "I could sleep outside. I don't mind. I'm just so grateful I found someone. Are you here by yourself?" I recall seeing another red haired boy's picture next to Joe's on the news. I wonder if he's inside.

"Yep. Yep. By myself," he says, surprising me. "And it's not that, you can sleep inside. I'll sleep out here. But do you have a cellphone?"

I nod and grab it out of my bag. "It's dead."

"They can still track it if it's dead. If someone comes out here looking for you and finds me, that wouldn't be good."

"No one is looking for me. Trust me." I say sternly, trying to make it clear that I'm telling the truth.

He actually looks sad as he nods his head. I hate that. "Don't feel sorry for me" I snap.

He doesn't reply to that. "I was just getting ready to eat. Are you hungry?"

Thankful for the change in subject, I smile and nod. "Thank you so much." He starts heading to the front door—which I now see is actually the door for a port-a-potty. Dear Lord, what have I gotten myself into?

The inside of the house is actually better than I was expecting. Sure, it's definitely rough, and there are dishes lying all over the counter, but at least it's clean. I see there is a ladder leading up to a loft with a waterslide on the other side, and a few separate rooms off to the side. "What is this place?" I ask.

"It's my home," Joe says matter-of-factly. He sees me staring at him, wanting more of an explanation. "My friends and I built it" is all he gives me.

I'm exhausted and plop down in a chair near what must be the kitchen table without asking. I hear Joe making some noises behind me before setting what appears to be chicken on a paper plate in front of me. "Joe, thank you so much."

He sits down next to me and pauses, "How do you know my name?"

I don't stop eating as I explain. "You have been all over the news for the past month or so, but it said you were with a friend."

Remember Me )))) THE KINGS OF SUMMERΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα