Chapter 21

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They have kept me waiting for half an hour now. I feel like I want to rip my head off. Why can't they just let me in to Katniss!? I am sitting outside the room Katniss is in and I am breathing loudly. What if she is in huge pain? If she is, there is no way to help her now. Just when I am about to knock on the door, it opens and Lacey comes out.

"You can come in now, the testing is done. She won't be giving birth yet, but you can come in now." she says. Before she is done, I am already up and almost running into the room. I find Katniss on a hospital bed. She is sweating a little, but I know this is nothing compared to the buckets she will be sweating in a few hours. I take a chair and pull it beside the bed, and sit down on it. I take her hand and stroke her forehead.

"Honey, are you okay? Is there anything you would want me to get you?" I ask with a gentle voice.

"Of course I'm not okay. I'm having contractions!" she growls at me. The second she has done it she seems to regret it. "I'm sorry, my hormones are making me feel really weird, I hate this feeling." she moans.

"It's okay, you can say nasty things to me if it helps. I'm sorry for saying that." I say and smile. She smiles too.

"Right now I feel like screaming." she says. She closes her eyes tightly and moans.

"You can do that if you like." I say, and as soon as I have said that, she screams a piercing scream that makes you get goosebumps. Lacey runs inside.

"What happened? Are you experiencing any foreign pain?" she asks, worried.

"Nooooo.... Just... contractions..." Katniss moans and I wipe the sweat out of her forehead.

"Katniss, you can do this, it's only a few hours left. Then the pain will be gone in two seconds." she says, but this seems to have done it for Katniss.

"I KNOW THAT THE PAIN WILL GO AWAY IN A FEW HOURS, BUT THAT DOESN'T HELP ME RIGHT NOW, DOES IT!" she shouts and moans as she gets another contraction. Lacey doesn't look scared, she must be used to this kind of stuff. I get up and kiss Katniss' forehead.

"I love you. You are the strongest person I know, you can do this." I tell her with a determined voice. She nods and closes her eyes. I stay with her for a few hours, wiping the sweat off her forehead and telling het to drink periodically, and when we have waited for four hours, Lacey tells her that she can start delivering now. She makes everything ready, and then she tells Katniss to start pushing. I onlt see Katniss, nothing else, and soothe her and tell her that it will soon be over. I seem unseeing towards all the blood and mess, I only concentrate on Katniss. She screams and lets out a lot of crazy sounds.

"Aaarrrgghh!!" she screams.

"Just one more Katniss! You have enough strength for one more!" I tell her.

"It's always one more!" she screams and pushes one more time. Then, we hear a baby's scream. I sigh in relief.

"You were amazing." I tell Katniss and kiss her head.


That was awful. One of the worst pains I have ever experienced. But not the worst one. I an sweating buckets, and I feel like a total mess, both mentally and physically. But there is only one thing that I want right now, and that's to hold my baby. My own baby, that no one can ever take away from me. I look for her. I see Lacey cleaning her, and then she turns around.

"I...want...her..." I manage to say and Lacey hands her to me. She is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. The most beautiful baby and child I have ever seen. I see that her hair is dark, much like mine, although it is still covered in something from my uterus. I don't even feel disgusted. I just want to kiss her, and that's what I do. Her forehead feels warm under my lips. She whimpers, but otherwise is pretty quiet. Peeta puts his hand on mine, and when I look up at him, I see that he has tears in his eyes. I hand our daughter to him, and when he is holding her, he actually starts crying. Tears of joy. He is careful so that the tears don't land on her, and dries his nose on his sleeve.

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