Chapter 9

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The engine turned on and we set off as a blanket of awkwardness was put over us. I diverted my eyes to him, finding him already staring right back at me. His dark eyes making me skip a heartbeat. I just stared at him trying to form something to put out there out my mouth; I thought of what I should say or where should I begin from but, nothing.

"Speak," he said in a calm tone and got busy with his phone. Can the man ever keep this device away from him for a while? I took the chance to regain my composure by then and decided not to begin with the obvious and asked, "What were we doing in the old Manor?"

"It's mine. I own it now," He answered almost instantly without removing his gaze from his device before finally looking at me when I didn't say anything. How could he buy it? Dad sold it to a very affluent man quite some time after the incident...

"Will that be all?" He questioned arching an eyebrow as I still wondered why would the Tribbianis sell the Manor while looking at him with squinted eyes as if the answer would suddenly appear on his face.

As if he read my mind, he answered, "The old man died, the son who inherited the Manor, well, let's just say he lost a bet, and then I bought it." I nodded in accord remembering the youngest Tribianni to be a gambler. That serves him about right.

"And you bought it because? I mean you don't even live here. And why this one. You know what had happened here, why we had sold it. You could've gotten any other one," I said speaking out my mind.

"I had adored it since childhood. And it was an easy buy. How could've I let go to that?" He said taking an iPad out of the pocket at the back of the front seat. Flipping it open he started studying the arrows of the stock market.

"And that's your reason for buying a million dollar mansion somewhere you don't even live?" I said wondering how much money he must have got just lying around.

"Actually, I-..." I cut him off suddenly realising something, which he really didn't seem to like judging by his expression. "You know how many people's life you could have changed if this amount you spent on buying a Manor, that you'd most probably never pay a visit to, was donated to a charity?" I spoke astounded at his purchase and pretty angry if I may add.

"And you buying a Birkin bag goes to charity?" He snapped right at me leaving me having nothing to say.

That's something I did not like very much.

And come on, who doesn't have a Birkin?

He eyed me dangerously, waiting eagerly for what I have to say next.

"I do things for the committee and the people, that makes up for these as the luxuries are just a treat. That's all." I rant about stupidly in one go, not even sure what I had said or did it even make any sense.

I don't like this happening to me. God I hate him!

"A man is allowed to treat himself as well. Anyway I don't think I have to reason out with you for why or what I buy or do." He pitched his eyes back to his iPad as he continued, "I don't have time for your little chit chats here Amanda, as you obviously can see. The little drama you pulled back in the manor, I thought you'd have something important to say the least. So, is there anything "important" that you want to talk about or that'll be all?"

"Don't talk to me like that. I don't want to even sit in the same car as you, let alone try to strike up a conversation." I let out my words slowly as anger raged through me.

"Then get to the bloody point." He said emphasizing each word, looking up back at me. We stayed like that for God knows how many minutes. His eyes bore into mine, but there wasn't anything romantic about it any way. His eyes showed what he felt. It was a like whirlwind there as I bore more deep. They had emotions in them...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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