Loki - Sleep

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Loki x Reader

Warnings- Cursing

Words- 630

You yawned, looking out of your large window seeing the city beneath you. The sun creeping in slowly in a bright yellow-orange making you feel subconsciously warm inside. You slid out of bed and stratched your legs, walking to your closet to get some comfortable clothes. You settled on a large shirt and black sweatpants, tucking the hem of the shirt into the front of your sweats and putting your hair in a messy bun.

You never got much sleep, and if Natasha was honest, she thought you looked quite disheveled that morning. You yawned again, rubbing the dark circles under your eyes and making your way into the living space of Stark Towers. Tony snorted and smiled widely at you.

"Good morning raccoon" He teased. You rolled your eyes and lightly hit his arm.

"Oh please Tony, if a raccoon was inside of Stark Towers you'd be the first one it attacked." You smiled innocently at hin and lazily sat in the couch. After a few seconds. Tony had barely made it to the kitchen counter and already heard your sloftly snoring away on the chair.

You felt a pair of arms holding you up and taking you back to your room. Opening your eyes to reveal Loki you kicked at him and struggled."Loki I dont want to go to bed, I want breakfast!" You cried and hugged his shoulders tighter losing consciousness again. He sighed and put your limp body onto your bed. He tucked you in and kissed your hand softly, lingering for a moment to take in your peaceful state.

"Oh, y/n" he spoke lowly and caringly. He turned to leave and looked over his broad shoulders to you, slightly moving in your sleep and smiling.


By the time you woke up, it was around 2 pm and the rest of the Avengers had left to train. Loki hummed in the kitchen, making another cup of tea. He turned on his heels to face the counter, nearly jumping back at the sight if you.

"Oh y/n youre awake. Would you like some tea?" He offered his cup to you and you smiled softly taking it into both your hands.

"Thanks Loki, you always take care of me. what would I do without you?" You set the cup down on the counter, pulling up a bar stool to sit on. Loki let out a low chuckle and started making hinself another cup. You looked at his outfit, his greasy hair tied back in a messy bun as he wore a hoodie and grey sweats. You could tell he wore nothing beneath those, not that you cared.

"See something you like, love?" Loki laughed at your dazed stare before tapping his finger on the bottom of your chin and sending you a flustering smirk that could be seen in his eyes. You blushed and took a big gulp of your tea almsot finishing it.

"N-nope." You yawned and set your elbow on the table and leabed your head into it.

"Tired?" He looked up from his cup and stared at you, emerald eyes meeting your e/c ones. You only nodded and suddenly felt yourself being led back to your bedroom.

Loki got in your bed and chuckled as you tried to walk back out.

"Come to bed love, please. The bed would be so lonely without you." He purred. You shivered and got into bed next to him, stealing all the blanket. "Oh y/n, dont you know im cold too?" he touched your cheek with his hand and you flinched at the meer sight of his hand coming near you. He hesitated and gasped, holding you tightly in his secure arms. "y/n Id never lay a bad hand on you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2018 ⏰

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