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~The One With George Stephanopoulos: 1~

"Alright, Phoebe" Monica says, everyone but Joey is in the coffee shop

"If I were omnipotent for a day I would want um world peace, no more hunger, good things for the rainforest, and bigger boobs!" Phoebe says

"So you took mine. Chandler what about you?" Ross says

"Um, if I were omnipotent for a day I'd make myself omnipotent forever"

"Of course you would"

"See there's always one guy. If I had a wish I'd wish for three more wishes" Rachel says. The door opens and Joeys walks in

All: Hey Joey!

"Hey Joey What would you do if you were omnipotent?" Monica asks

"I'd probably kill myself" he replies

"Excuse me?" Monica says

"If little Joeys dead then I got no reason to live" he says while sitting down and i lay in his lap

"Hello to you to Ness"

"Hello Joey"

"Joey..Omnipotent" Ross says, Joey looks at Ross for a second

"You are?" He says and puts a hand on his back. Ross gets up and walks away

"Ross im sorry!" Joey says

"Poor Ross" Joey says looking at me.

"How does she do that?" Monica asks pointing to Phoebe on The couch, we're still at central perk

"I cannot sleep in a public place" Ross says

"Oh I could"

"Yeah, but you got Joey to lay on" Ross says

"Oh suck it"

"Would you look at her shes so..peaceful" Monica says

"Don't crowd her"

"Ahh" Phoebe says waking up

"Hi" she says looking at us

"Its ok you were just nodding off again" Ross tells her

"What's going on with you?" Monica asks

"I got no sleep last night" Phoebe says


"My grandmother has this new boyfriend, and they're both kinda insecure in bed. So, and deaf."


"Yeah, so they're constantly reassuring each other that they're having a good time and they have no idea how loud they are." She says

"I'm sorry Phoebs"

"Well if you want you can stay with Rachel and me tonight" Monica says patting her shoulder

"Thanks" she says

"95, 96, 97, see I told ya. Less than a hundred steps from our place to here." Joey says to Chandler as they're walking inside.

"You got way to much free time" Chandler says patting Joeys back and walking over next to me and Ross and Phoebe

"Ayyyeee there's the birthday boy......and girl" Joey says jumping over the couch and landing on me

"Ross and Ness. Check it out. Hockey tickets. Rangers, Penguins tonight at the garden and we're taking you......two" Joey says

"Happy birthday pal.......ssssss" Chandler says adding the 's'

"We love ya man" Joey says kissing Ross' neck. Than looking at me.

"And woman" and does the same to me

"Funny my birthday was 7 months ago" Ross says

"So" Joey says

"So I'm guessing you had an extra ticket and couldn't figure out which one of you would bring a date?" Ross says

"Well aren't we mister 'the glass us half empty'" Chandler says

"Oh my god, is today the 20th? October 20th?" Ross says looking at the tickets and us

"I was hoping you wouldn't remember" Monica says

"Oh" Ross says putting the tickets against his head looking down

"What's wrong with the 20th?" Joey asks

"11 days before Halloween, all the good costumes are gone?" Chandler asks

"Chandler I love you but shut up"

"Today's the day Carol and I first.... Consummated our.....physical relationship" Joey looks at Ross confused

"Sex" me and Ross say at the same time. Joey nods his head now understanding

"You know what i better pass on the game I think I'm just gonna go home, think about my ex-wife and her lesbian lover." Ross says throwing the magazine on the table

"To hell with hockey let's all do that!" Joey says standing up following Ross

"Come on Ross! You, me, Joey, and Ness, ice, guys night out! What do ya say bug guy? Huh?, huh?, huh?" Chandler says huh while acting like he's gonna punch Ross' stomach

"What are you doing?" Ross asks

"I have no idea" Chandler responds

"Come on Ross" Joey says directing to the tickets

"Alright, alright. maybe it'll take my mind off this, you promise to buy me a big foam finger?" He asks pointing to the three of us, I'm standing next go Joey now

"You got it!" Joey says

"Look look look look Look! My first paycheck!" Rachel says running toward the couches

"Look at the window there's my name, hi me!" Rachel says looking at the envelope

"I remember the day I got my first paycheck" Phoebe says and we look at her.

"There was a cave in, in one of the mines, and 8 people were killed" she finished

"Wow, you worked in a mine?" Monica asks

"I worked at a dairy queen, why?" Phoebe answers we all just look at her, Rachel for over to the chair and sits down opening her envelope

"God isn't this exciting? I earned this, I wiped tables for this, I steamed milk for it and It was totally-" she looked at her paycheck

"-not worth it. Who's FICA? Why's he getting all my money? I mean what? Chandler look at that" she passes it to Chandler and I peel over his shoulder

"Oh this is not that bad" he says and passes it to Joey

"Oh you're fine yeah, first job?" Joey says and passes it to Ross

"You can totally, totally live off of this" Ross says and Phoebe looks at it

"Oh yeah, yeah" Phoebe says

"By the way great service tonight" Ross says and we all grab out wallets and tip Rachel

"Hockey!" Me, Joey, Chandler, and Ross say. We go to leave but these women walk through the door and the boys look at them

"Hockey!" We say and leave

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