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>>> this chapter is all about if Sakura survived and was born<<<,

Sakura Akashi

She would have been the 3rd child


gender: OMEGA girl

she would have red hair and has a heterochromatic eye, her left red and right would be blue


O year old 


Akashi: what a lively girl you are

Tetsuya: *singing* sleep little princess

1 yr. old

Sakura: dada

*crawling on top of Akashi*

Tetsuya: Sakura-chan... daddy is sleeping 

Sakura: dada

2 years old

Sakura sleeping hugging nigou

Akashi: *takes photo*

Tetsuya: *exhausted*

Akashi: *kisses Tetsuya* rough day?

Tetsuya: she's been really lively ever since she learned how to walk

3 yrs old 

Sakura grabs Tetsuo's shirt " Nii-chan"

Seiichi: aww... she likes you

Tetsuo: Sakura-chan, it's too hot

Sakura: *looking sad*

Tetsuo: *sigh* 

Tetsuo lets Sakura sits close to him 

6 years old 

Sakura making friend failed, she became close to the school animals instead

one day Sakura brings a cat home " can we keep him?"

Nigou: woof

Tetsuya: what would you name him?

Sakura: kou-chan*smile*

Tetsuya: let's ask daddy if its okay to keep him

Sakura begging look on Akashi 

Akashi defeated " sure why not"

10 years old 

Sakura: hello Shinichi Nii-chan

Shinichi: *blushes*

Seiichi : *glares at  Shinichi* 

Shinichi: what?

15 years old

Tetsuya puts an Omega collar on Sakura 

Sakura smile " everything will be okay right, mom"

Tetsuya: of course...

16 years old

Shinichi: *shy* I know I'm much older... Uhm... it's just that I wanna say it ... Sakura-chan... I... like you 

Sakura: *gentle smile* me too... 





Akashi and Tetsuya looking at Sakura ultrasound picture on her  altar 

the two offers a prayer 

Akashi: good morning Sakura 

Tetsuya lay his head on Akashi's shoulder "our angel"

Kurosuke: okaa-chan, oto-chan? are you talking to nee-chan? 

kurosuke sits beside his parents and faces the altar he too greets Sakura

not long the whole family  was there  greeting Sakura 


as Tetsuya was setting up the food for their picnic ... he hears a little girls voice that doesn't belong to Akane 

the voice was calling out " kou-chan.. come here"

Tetsuya look and saw an image of a little girl with red hair hugging nigou smiling at him saying "I love you okaa-chan"

Tetsuya tears up and when he looked again it was Kurosuke holding kou-chan "okaa-chan, are you okay?"

Tetsuya hugs kurosuke and said "yes...mommy is just happy"




𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 ℱ𝑜𝓇 ℛ𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 🌸

(AA026) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟙 & 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now