Chapter 2

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As I do every day I walk to thor's house and waited for him to come out so we can walk to school together. I took out my phone as I always do when he is taking his time. One minute later an happy and exited Thor walked out. He strudded to me and began walking backwards. He is like a cute little dog, wtf he is like a golden retriever. 

"What" I asked him making him smile a little bit bigger

"My brother is finally home"

"Oh, that is amazing, I am happy for you" I put my arm around his back and gave him two pattes on the back. 

His brother was kind of a troubled teen. He always got in trouble and did not do well in school. But he was in reality depressed and they did not realise until he tried to end his life, Thor have never really been the same after that he blames himself. After loki was able to go home from the hospital he got sent to a kind of therapy home. He have been there for a month now, and his family could only visit him once a week.

When we reached the school we walked into the crowd of students, when I got to my locker Thor was not there with me anymore, where did he go? Anyways I opened my locker and took out a blue english book and a frayed notebook. 

As I walk into the first period I saw Natacha sitting alone in the back so I walked to her and sat next to her. 



The class went so slowly, so boring. How has it only been 20 minutes? The door swing open and tony walked in. Late as always he sits down next to his group of people and suddenly i felt a elbow in my side. 

"ow" I said quietly looking at natacha. 

"a little bit more discreet" she whispered to me. I sigh and rested my head on the table and closed my eyes. I feel a hand on my head patting me, I turn to natacha with my head still on the table, I had a sad smile on my face and she gave me a little hug. 

"Natasha and steve you can cuddle later okay?" the teacher called on us and we moved away from each other and I sat straight up. 


Damn I know he was straight, he even have a girlfriend. Why, I always fall for the straight guys. Damn what is my problem. I notice that I was looking at him a little bit to long so I looked away.

"Tony, coming to the party on saturday?"

"I don't know maybe" 

"EH maybe?" 

I ignored me friends and turned my attention to the teacher. I hate school but I just don't want to argue with my friends right now. 

After the class ended I walked to my next class art. The hall was crowded and everyone tried to talk to me but I just tried to sneak away without anyone noticing. On the other side of the hall I had lost my friends, finally some peace and quiet. I walked to my art class and was only 10 minutes late this time. When I walked inside there was only one table left and it was empty, thank god. I sat down and the teacher bagan talking and I started to soon out. 

Why am I even friends with some of the people, I don't even like some of them. The only ones I like is clint and bruce. I don't even care about being popular. Some of the people I consider as friends don't even like me, they are just with me because I am rich and my house is a good place to have parties. I am so tired of hiding how I am. I want to come out of the closet. But I can't some people are not so accepting. I wonder if bruce and clint would care? I don't think they would mind. I mean we have been friends since like kindergarten. But on the other hand you never really know someone. Thoughts were exploiting in my head and I started to get a headache.

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