Chapter 4

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Steve's POV: 

I woke up with a headache last night I was up late just thinking. I need to tell tony that I like him to. I don't want him to think I hate him. Poor tony just running out of class like that. I should have said something. I should call him but I don't have his number. I will have to talk to him at school today. I hate the people in school they are all ignorant Idiots. 

During the howle first of the day was horrible. Now everyone know how I am and they look at me all the time. Tony has now lost all of his popularity and him is the only think people are talking about. Making fun of him calling him homophobic names. Fuck people why can't we just be nice to each other. Why does everyone feel the need to say how they feel, my mom always told me if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. 

Tony was nowhere to be found, he is probably home, poor tony. I saw clint and bruce sitting alone at a bench outside the cafeteria they have too lost all their popularity. I walk up to them. Hoping I can talk to tony. 

"hey clint and bruce" I said and sat down next to bruce. 

"what do you want steve?" bruce gave me a hate full look. 

"can I talk to Tony plece?" I asked them looking at their eyes.

"why?" clint said with a angry voice

"You are still his friends right?" I asked them

"Okey look, he will get over you eventually, you don't need tell him what ever okey" clint said with an overprotective voice.

"Well I hope not, ehh just can you give him this note" I gave them a note and they looked at me confused. They opened it but i covered the note with my hand from their eyes. Bruce looked at me and gave back the note to me. 

"what you think we are just going to give him a note from you without checking if you wrote something mean" He said sassy. 

"fine read it then" I said looking down at my hands and they took the note and opened it and read.

Hey tony it's steve, I just want to check how you are doing. What they did was not cool and I don't want you to feel hated specialty because well I am gay to. And I have a crush on you seens you helped me with my math. just call me 073 654 8765

"Dickhead you just gonna trick him like that and make fun of him" bruce said and pushed the note back on me and clint and him stood up and started to walk away.

I grabbed bruce vrist and he turn around and clint punched me in the face "let go of him"

"FUCK" I yelled and let go of bruce. 

they walked away and I walked over to them. 

"It is true okey" I said and walked in front of them forcing them to stop walking. 

"bullshit we know you have a girlfriend" clint said a little quiet because people have started to form around us. 

"no, please just hear me out" I said and tilted my head to the empty hallway letting them know we can walk their and talk. 

Stony in high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now