Chapter 5

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Tony's POV;

The night before we had created an group chat were we decided that we would meet outside the school before classes began so we could all walk in together.

Me and my friends met up with Steve's friends and started to make small talk, well they were i was kind of awkwardly waiting for Steve to come. When he then showed up I saw that he had an black eye. 

"what happened? how punched you?" I suddenly was filed with confidence so i walked up to him and reached my hand up to his face. 

"ehum" steve looked at clint and bruce for some reason and clint looked a little scared what?

"I don't know but it is okay he was not that strong" he said laughing a little. 

I looked at clint and saw that he looked relieved and than I saw his hand. WTF clint punched the guy how he know I liked. 

"what the fuck clint" I walked over to him and he tried to hide his hand but I got it looking at it closer. 

"why would you punch steve" I yelled at him and he took a step back walking behind thor. The others just lauth and thor chuckled. 

"Tony it is okay really" steve said and I stopped. Clint is so going to pay for this later thow.  

All 8 of us walked in and all eyes went to us. People instantly started to talk and whisper to  each other. Our plan was to stay together and ignore everyone of them but if they started to be mean and say mean stuff to our faces we would defend each other. We checked our schedules so I always had one of mine or steves friends with me. The first class I had with bruce and natasha the second just steve and the third  I had with steves friends sam and thor. I did not know his friends so well but steve promised me that they would stay with me and help me if something would happen. 

As steve promised they did. The first three lessons was okay nothing crazy happened, everyone was looking at me and whispering but no one came up to me and said anything witch I thought would happen. But now it is lunch the worst part because now I will meet Simon. 

We all meet before walking to the cafeteria steve took my hand as we walked in making the hole cafeteria know that Steve likes me back. We all sat down at the same table and started to eat our food. Ignoring all the talk and the looks other people gave us. Steve sat next to me and put his arm around me. I jumped closer to him and it made me comfortable and made me feel safe in steve's strong arms. 

After awhile people stopped caring about us and went back to their own business. That is exactly what we wanted, for people to stop thinking it is an big thing. But are planes were ruined when Simon and his friends the football team walked up to us. I could not help it but get a little scared but steve did not move his arm away from me. Which calmed me down.  

"well is this not the freaks" he said

"go away simon, Thor said confidently"

"So steve you are a fagot too now" he said

"and you are still an ignorant piece of shit" steve said a little offended by the name calling. 

"That is alot coming from a disgusting animal" Simon walked closer and the football team did as well. Some people laughed. 

Stony in high schoolजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें