~Chpt 1~

871 10 8

Tinas Pov~
Today is the day is the day I tell Ryan I love him I thought to myself. Im sure he feels the same way right? I dont have time for this i need to get to the school. Once I get there I see Ryan talking to Saber, unicorn and GOLDY!!! I walk up and go "GOLDY LEAVE NOW!!!" She looks at me tears in her eyes she walks away and mubbles something under her breathe. Once she does Unicorn and Saber run after her."Why Ry?" I ask "Me and Saber had to tell them something" he says kinda upset "What did you need to tell them?" I ask. "Well...me and Saber are...um dating" he says I feel tears forming in my eyes. "Is that ok?" He asks nervously "Of course as long as your happy" I say with a fake smile. He hugs me and smiles. We walk to class and I see Unicorn and Saber in front of Goldy looking at her "You need to tell her Gold" Unicorn says. She shakes her head no, "come on gold if she doesnr feel the same way then all well so what?!" Saber says as Goldy looks down and then looks at them "But she hates me, ill never be good enough! And you know it ima discrase thats why my mom left and thats why she hates me she has since daycare because I would hit on ryan when i only did it to get her jealous." She says while crying slightly. "Goldy you are our golden flower one of a kind!" Uni says. "The only one and the one who we need" saber says. "The one that makes us all happy becasue of her cheerful attitude!" Ryan says walking and standing next to saber. "Our golden flower,the only one, You glow gold and give of rays of happiness" uni says and they all hug. "Thanks guys" Goldy says giving a small smile and whipes her tears.

Sorry it was short! Hope you enjoyed!! Byeeee

UnforgettableDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora