~Chpt 2~

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Goldy's Pov~
(Same day)
It was still first bell and I could feel three sets of sad/worried eyes on me. One set of confused eyes and one set of amazed eyes focused on me. I turn around and see Ry, Uni and Saber looking at me worried/sad. I turn some more and see Tina she was looking at me confused then quickly looked awat when she saw me. But the one looking at me with amazment in there eyes was...Angel. Angel had became and popular kid but she also became rude,mean and snoty. She had a hugeeeeee attitude but she was staring at me. When we made eye contact she blushed and looked away. Um ok? I thought to myself turning around to the teacher. As soon as I did I felt Tinas and Angels eyes on me, Tina still confused and Angel still amazed.
           ~Time skip to hall break~

I was at my locker when Tina started walking twords me. When she got pushed out of the way by Angel. She ran up to me. "Hey!" She says with one arm on the locker. "Hi? I thought you hated me?" I say shutting my locker. "Um no I never said I did!" She says looking at me, "Oh" I say trying not to be awkward. "Im not a lier or a faker...unlike Tina over there or Ryan or Unicorn or Saber!" She says pointing to Ryan, uni and saber who was helping Tina get up. "W...what?" I say tears in my eyes, "I can make the pain go away" she wispers in my ear and hands me a bag with some pills in them. I kiss her on the cheek and whisper "Thanks...". She then kisses me on the lips and says "No problem Babe!" Which made me blush a bright red.Uni looks at me and I stare into his eyes he hates me i know it I think to myself and pop a pill his eyes still on me. Once I did his eyes widen and I let a tear fall then walk away. I walk right past them without a word I go to my next class. I sit down and Angel sits next to me. Tina walks in and looks at me she walks past me handing me a note when Angel wasnt looking. She hates me, they all hate me I say to myself. I pop another pill when no one is looking. I pit the not in my pocket and ask to go to the bathroom. Once i'm in there i open the note.

  Dear Goldy,
          I don't hate you! Your one of the best things in my life! You were there when I needed you the most. I honestly don't know why I always push you away but I do. I do after everything you've done for me I still push you out. I'm sorry...becasue you helped me when Tony died but I wasnt there when your brother whent. I'm so sorry I put you through that pain, the pain you made sure I never felt. I'm sorry I wasnt there...im sorry that when we were 4 I would hit you with that toy lightsaber and the slingshot. I'm sorry that in elementy I would yell at you and tell you I hated you. I'm sorry that in middle school I told you I loved you then said I hated you. I'm so so sorry Goldy. I'm sorry!


I put the letter down and cry! I cry and cry atd cry! Why do I love you? Why are you so perfect in my eyes? Why would I do anything for you? I think to my self still crying after a minute I stand up and whipe my tears and walk back to class but I grab my stuff from were im sitting and sit in the back. As i walked away I could feel Angel glairing at me but I didnt care. I sat down and wrote, I wrote Tina a letter one that said everything.

  Heyo! Sorry it was kinda lengthy but im very proud of it! I hope you liked it! Byeeeee

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