Part 3

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As you watch the movie there is a jump scare so you cling onto 2D and hide your face in his chest, by instinct of course. He blushes dark pink and flinches a bit, "are yew scared, luv?" you nod and he pulls you closer kissing you ontop of the forehead for reassurance. You blush dark red then you hear the door open with a big man and a little japenese girl on his shoulders, you instantly knew it was russel and noodle! 2D pauses the movie and gets up greeting them, "Hey Noodz and Russ tis is Y/N. Y/N, this is Noodle and Russel!" you shake their hands, then Noodle looks at you "Are you and Toochie dating?!" Russel breaks out laughing then you and 2D look at each other blushing dark red "N-No, were just friends, Noodle!" you smile awkwardly knowing you have a crush on him. Noodle shrugs then runs to her room. "Welp, I'll leave ya to it!" Russel chuckles and goes to his room. You look at 2D and hugged him tightly, he widened his eyes in shock then hugged you back, he whispered "I love yew' Y/N..." you blushed dark red then he hides his face and walks backwards, realizing what he had just said. "luv, i-im so sorry i-..."you shushed him then smile.. "I love you too, Stu..." he blushes dark red then smiles and hugs you again, not letting go. "Y/N m-may I take yew' out to dinner, t-tomorrow?..." you widened your eyes then grins "of course, I'd love to go out to dinner with you!" You two both walk upstairs into his room and fall onto the bed, snuggling each other.
"Goodnight luv...."

"Goodnight S-St..." you pass out

{Sorry these chapters have been short, i'll make up for it, i'll be posting 2-3 chapters a day!}

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