OSOT-Alternate Ending

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(will contain spoilers)

"Actually, I have some additional news if I may." We turned at the sound of the voice. Agent Townsend was standing in the doorway, his hands folded together. He looked especially proper and stern as he studied us all. "I'm sorry to barge in. But I come bearing two pieces of news. First, Elias Crane the fourth was kidnapped en route between his home and his office this morning."

Elias Crane. The first name on the list.

"So this means..." Liz began.

"Mom's been busy," Zach finished.

Townsend nodded. "Yes, I imagine this is just the first thing like this we're going to see. The clock, as they say, is ticking."

"What's the second thing?" Bex asked.

"Yes," Townsend said. "Well...it appears we have a Walk In."

We all knew the term. It was almost as old as spycraft itself, but I'd never heard it used, never seen it done. Because, with that term, what Townsend was saying was that someone from the other side had come to our doors to seek asylum and offer help, but none of us had ever seen it in action. None of us had ever dreamed we would.

I turned and started to run to my mother's office to find answers, but then Preston Winters appeared in the door and said, "So...this is the Gallagher Academy?"

We didn't have to find Preston. Preston found us.

Extremely Classified-Deleted Scenes from the Gallagher Girls SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now