Safe In The Sky

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Patryck would open his eyes to find a young male staring back at him.

"Pat?" The male's eyes would widen with hope.

"Paul???" He would say, obviously questioning if this whole double-suicide, cheating scandal was a dream or not.

"Why did you do that? You had a lot to live for."


"Shhh, shhh, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But if you ever feel like talking about it, please. We're safe here. No one here to listen, no one here to judge."

"Then where am I?" He would say, oblivious to his surroundings.

"You're in the stars. Everything was real there, but we can pretend it never happened here."

Patryck would stand up, observing the deep purples and blues that surrounded them. Almost as if they were floating through space.

"I'm sorry about that, is the first real thing I have to say."

"You're forgiven. You're forgiven."

Two Pink Lines (Sequel To Let You Down)Where stories live. Discover now