3; looking back pt. 2

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"Oh, it appears you've finished! You're uhm, advisers left. So it might be a good time to give you a quick tour." Day told me, his eyes fixedly on mine. I nodded, holding up the paper. He grabbed the sheet and took a good second to look back at me, then back at it. Slowly, he stepped towards a small closet and pulled back the door, revealing an abundance of clothes. "We've also provided bathroom necessities for you, it's just across the hall." Surprised, I chose not to reply, instead following him out of my new living space, keeping quiet as he pointed to almost every room. Most of them were kept as offices, guest rooms, and bedrooms for the staff. Quietly, Mr. Day let me in the elevator, where we quietly waited until we reached level three. I gave him a quizzical glance, but the man said nothing. The both of us strolled on out and into the next room on the left. It's looks gave it an office type appeal, my eyes glided around the large quantity of papers, computers, and much more. "What is-" I was interrupted by a file being set down on the table. 

"You're first target, I expect him dead by early morning." 

My mouth gaped, I opened the file and read the name, ' Seth Reynolds '. "Woah, wait. What the hell is this?" I inquired with a hint of attitude, as much as this guy wanted to seem like an all powerful head, it wasn't going to work on me. Day twisted his head to look at me, a curious look on his face. "Did they not inform you on targets?"

"They didn't inform me on anything."

This made the man furrow his eyebrows, he looked off for a couple seconds then sighed, pulling up a chair for me to sit down. Afterwards, he looked back up at me. "I requested you because I need a personal hitman, someone who can take down my business competitors, give me a head start in the race."


"Nevermind, just understand that you're expected to help me achieve, even if that means beating the system."

I took a good second to think before replying. "So all I need to do is take these guys out, and then what?"

Mr. Day chuckled, sending a slight shiver down my spine. "Leave the rest up to me." He stood up in his seat and handed the file over. "Continue pleasing me and you're free to have whatever you like as long as you work under me, whether that's money, clothes, electronics, whatever you teens like these days." I chewed the inside of my cheek, gripping the file as he walked back over to the door.


Silent, he turned around, his eyes hinting that his interest is peaked.

"Why did you request me?"

He looked at me stone faced, slowly his lips curled into a smile. "I read about your animalistic-" He paused, "-qualities. If you train animals right, they're free to do whatever you want." Day then closed the door, leaving me alone in his office with the file in my hands.


I spent the next few minutes skimming over the papers, giving off information about this 'Seth Reynolds'. The only things that caught my eye was where he resided, and his specific occupation, 'weapons dealer'. It didn't specify which kind, but it sounded like I was about to find out.

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