5; then and now

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I felt like throwing up

I was going to throw up

I threw up

I stood up as quick as I possibly could, and hacked up my last meal over the table in the center of the room. I spent a couple seconds to lay there, my head feeling fuzzy and my eyesight a little blurry. I shakily lift up my hand to wipe my cheek, and gaze upon it to see the skin covered and watered down blood. I sniffed and sat up a little straighter, had I been crying?

My hands balled up into fists, now feeling a little indignant that I was. Crying meant I was upset, crying meant that I wasn't capable of doing this job. My clean hand lowered my hood to run through my thick brown locks, I heavily tasted blood and it made me gag. I needed to get my head straight, the last few minutes felt like a complete blur. Twisting my head, I look at my victim, now dead and covered in his own blood.  A shiver gets sent up my spine as I continue to gaze upon his appearance, I almost couldn't believe that I actually did it. Hesitantly, my feet drag against the floor as I walked towards him, crouching down to get a good look at the man. I recognized him as the one and only Seth Reynolds, and felt a rush of relief as soon as I realized. My view slides over to the window, and I concluded that it was time to head back


It had to be at least midnight, maybe even a little later. I struggled to keep my eyes open, even when I was climbing and jumping buildings. 

Once I reached my own, I began to climb my way up until reaching the window I left open. Mustering up all the strength I had, I pushed myself through and in a ungraceful manor, plopped down onto the floor. Groggily I stood up and noticed a couple things that appeared different. The first being that a twin sized mattress was placed in the corner of my room, the second being one of Day's maids fluffing a pillow for it, or at least was until I arrived. Her eyes grew wide, filled with horror and alarm. At first I didn't understand her sudden fearful silence until I became aware of the dried blood covering my lower jaw, giving me an 'unfriendly'  appearance. 

Making an attempt to explain myself, I opened my mouth to try and at least talk to her, but was met with a slamming door. The maid dropped the pillow onto the hardwood, and seemingly bolted out of my room. Sighing, I bent down to grab the pillow and toss it back onto my bed. Soon afterwards I stumbled into my closet and changed into something most suitable for bed-wear. I ended up coming out in a sweater and leggings, and turned right to make a quick trip to the bathroom.

It took me around ten minutes to get washed up, which included cleaning off the now dried blood and brushing my teeth. I was so worn out by then, so I was in no rush to linger. Quietly, I tip-toed into my roof and basically plopped myself onto the sheets. In a matter of minutes, I drifted off to sleep, dreaming about the city view, my recent kill, and what would await in the future.




A few months had passed since that first night, and a lot has changed. 

I remember stumbling down the main stairway, and catching sight of Mr.Day watching the news  in his massive living room, he immediately noticed me and smiled, "You did a good job last night, though could've been a little less messy." He said, motioning towards the reporter describing Seth Reynold's demise. I lowered my gaze, feeling a little sick to my stomach at the thought, but managed to just nod and make my way into the kitchen.

Missions weren't assigned frequently, I kept track of when they were given, and figured out that it was around every two to three weeks. Obviously I was thankful, deep down I knew that it would be emotional draining if it was something I participated in every week.

Day also told me something that at the same time, alarmed and intrigued me. I would be attending the local highschool, just so I had some sort of basic education, plus he stated that it would, "Give me something to distract myself", whatever that meant. I simply decided to just roll with it, and the man handed me an abundant amount of cash for 'school shopping'. On the inside I flipped out, thrilled to be wearing clothes I actually liked. But in reality I kindly thanked him, and informed Mr.Day that I would return whatever was left. He gave a distracted nod once his gaze averted back the news.  

It didn't take me too long to realize that my relationship with Mr.Day wasn't what I first thought it would be. Originally I make a quick judgement, thinking this would be strictly business, he tells me who to kill and I do it. But as time went on I felt more comfortable being my arrogant and boisterous self around him, though deep down I knew he would never even come close to family. As much as I hated to admit, deep down he scared me, I knew the power he held, and what he was capable of. 

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