one : idiots and new people

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chapter one

idiots and new people

I mouthed the words to the song blasting in my room while I lie on the bed. Those idiots should be here soon, and I've been waiting forever.

"Hey fuckface!" Chase shouts over my music, walking in with Matt and Gabe.

"Hi assholes," I say and turn the music down. "It's about time you guys got here."

I open up my laptop and go to Twitter. The guys turn on the Xbox and start up FIFA. Rolling my eyes, I scroll on my timeline. Suddenly, a pop up add shows up. Weird for Twitter, they never have ads.

"Do you want to stay at a 5-star hotel this summer for eight weeks? Indoor and outdoor pools, spas, and much more?" an overly excited voice of a guy says. The camera fans over a fancy hotel and he speaks again. "Well, then click the link here and enter the contest! We're picking 22 lucky sixteen year olds!"

"What the hell?" Chase mutters.

"Yeah," Gabe agrees. "What is that?"

"Some ad," I groan.

They pause the game and crowd around my laptop.

"Hey, Sarah," Matt nudges my arm. "You should sign up!" He jokes.

"Oh of course! It's everything I've always wanted!" I say excitedly, before snorting. "As if."

"Hey, it wouldn't hurt to enter, right?"

"Yeah, you won't get picked anyway!" Gabe laughs. "Let's make a really dumb entry!"

"Whatever," I laugh, even though I'm excited as well.

"Here, you 'audition'," Gabe snorts.

"Why me?"

"You saw the ad."


"Just stand there," he rises his eyebrows in amusement. "We'll record you."

I groan but do what he says.

"Fine. Shoot away," I huff.


"Hi, uh, my name is Sarah. I'm 16- obviously. I've never really been to a 5 star hotel... so I think it'd be cool," I say a but unsure of myself. I look to the guys who chuckle, yet give me a thumbs up. "I like video games and sports and if anyone challenged me for anything I'd say yes and most likely beat them. That good?"

"Yeah, yeah," Chase waves his hand and they shut off the camera. "It's not like you'll get picked anyway. We just wanted to see you make a fool of yourself."

"So you're not sending it in?"

"Oh we are," he assures me, even though I hate this. "We want other people to see your humiliation."

"Jerks." I roll my eyes again.


"Damn," Gabe groans.

The two of us sit against my bed, playing FIFA. Or, I should say, him losing FIFA. Nothing new though, I always win. Except that one time, Chase got me, damn.

Chase and Matt come strolling in my house moments later, and I can tell by the front door slamming.

"Hi boys!" my mom says.

See, the four of us live at each others houses. Our mothers treat us all like their kids. It's awesome.

"We're in my room!" I shout and restart the game.

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