Ray (Chapt. 1)

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I walked over into my sister's room. As I look around, I see her favorite toy, Penny, a stuffed animal, a pig. It's a life-sized stuffed animal that she always slept with and kept on her bed.

I smile, remembering the 14 year old hug it so tightly. Whenever I would take Penny and threatened to hurt her, my sister would always cry. It amused me that she cared so much for something that wasn't even breathing.

I continue to look around her room seeing everything in place as it was before she... She died.

The memories that stain my brain of that cold, dark night flashes in my mind

I opened the front door, quietly so I wouldn't wake my sister. When I walked in and shut the door, I heard a piercing scream. It was so loud that it made my ears ring. I knew the scream had to belong to one person only. I raced up the steps and busted open my sister's door. I saw her lifeless body on the floor, blood splattered everywhere. There was some blood on the wall, her hard wood floor, the twin sized bed... Everywhere. My eyes started to tear up.
After staring for what seemed like decades, I saw the leg of a girl I've known for years. I looked up and saw the dark-haired girl. She lived right across the street from me. She and my sister were best friends, or atleast that's what it seemed like.
Her face had this wicked smirk as she dropped the blood covered knife on the dead body in front of her. I could've swore that sick girl gave a cruel laugh, as if she were enjoying my reaction.
Before I had even a moment to think, I lunged forward at her but I just fell to the ground. She wasn't in front of me anymore. I looked up and scanned the room but she wasn't there at all.

My eyes were filled with tears, remembering everything I saw. Her dead body will always remain in my mind.
"Lily didn't deserve it" I sob to myself, "She was a good girl! So innocent..."

New memories come before me. This time, when the police questioned me about what happened.

"Ray..." The officer trailed off, looking at his notepad, "you said that you believe it was Ms. Kohpi?"
"No! I know it was Veronica!!" I scream at the officer. I want to cry more but no tears would come out.
"Calm down, sir. I was just curious as to how she could be at the library and at your house." He states. It's obvious he doesn't believe me.
"She wasn't at the library!!!! She was in my house!!!" I yell furiously, "Sh-she dropped a k-knife. Can't yo-you ge-t fingerprints or some-something?" At this point more tears start to pour out. How could he not believe me???
"We did. We only found yours" The officer states. My eyes go wide.

I fight to suppress the saddening memories. After Lily died, my parents wanted to keep everything the same in her room.

I was arrested but the trial proved me innocent. All I got was community service for no stupid reason. Because of that, all the kids at school think I did kill my sister. They despise me.

Her room is now like a little safe haven for me. Although it does make me think about the horror that went on that night, it also reminds me of how joyful my sister was.

Happy thoughts go through my brain now. I smile to myself before sitting at her bay window that was facing the Kohpi's. The bay window was the thing she loved most. She would sit here to write, read, paint... To do anything creative.

I look out the window, a small smile at my lips. Looking out at the trees swaying to the night's cold wind, it soothes me. It makes me calmer and keeps me stea-

"What's that?" I mutter to myself, looking a strange figure standing in the yard that belonged to the Kohpi's. My breath hitches as I see a dark green emit from the silhouette.

All of a sudden the light goes away and I can't see the figure anymore. I hear a screeching, then a loud shriek from the house next to mine.

I jump from the bay window and look over at the other window which faces my neighbor. My heart races as I see a body being dragged out of the house.

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