Ray (Chapt. 2)

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I had searched every inch of her house last night but she wasn't there. It was like she just disappeared into thin air, but that's not possible. She couldn't just do that. Nobody could.

When I woke up from what felt like a 5 minute nap, the news was on. Polly was on the TV, her pale body being covered up and taken away.

I stare at the girl that was my friend for a long time, thinking to myself. How could this possibly be true?? First Veronica takes Lily and now Polly. Who's next to be murdered? My mom? My aunt?

I close my eyes to hold in the tears that are trying to come out. I've already cried enough, I can't keep letting those tears out.

I feel someone put their arm around me which makes me jump. I look over at my mom. She has a small smile, trying to reassure me that everything will be okay.
"I know, honey," My mom says taking in a deep breath, "It's hard to image that Polly is dead but we'll get through it."
I can't say anything. All I do is look at the ground. My mind takes me back to Veronica's evil smirk that she had before she disappeared. That same smirk she had when she had killed Lily. That same smirk she had when she killed Polly. That same, stupid smirk.

My mom softly rubs my back. I look over at her again. I inhale deeply before nodding, "I know but early last night we were texting. She was there and now... Now she's gone" I tell her, once more my tears are on the verge of pouring out.

There's a knock at the door so my mom leaves to go answer it. I run up the stairs, shutting the door and fall to the floor. A few tears slip out before I wipe them away.

No! I can't! I love Polly and I love Lily but Veronica doesn't deserve to get this power over me! She doesn't get the right to make me cry! If she saw me crying she'd be happy. She'd enjoy it but she doesn't deserve that joy!

I hear a knock on my door before I hearing my mother's calming voice, "Uh... Honey, there's a few people downstairs that would like to talk with you."

I take an unsteady breath before rising to my quaking feet. I open the door and walk passed my mom, going downstairs.

When I see the people that needed to speak with me. My heart beat stops as does my feet. I just stare at the men in the navy suit and a black utility belt. They wear the golden badge of the police force. The cops are in my home once more for another death of someone close to me.

There are 2 of them. One was a bigger man, rounder. He had light brown hair with chestnut eyes. The other one was skinnier, he had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. There were both tall, probably about 6 feet.

One of the cops spot me, "Raymond, can we have a word with you?"
All I could do is nod and force myself to walk towards them.

"Mrs. Pali had mentioned you and Polly were best friends" The police officer says. Polly Pali... I never really heard her real last name so it was strange when I did.
"Yea, we were" I reply.
"How close were you?" The other officer asks.
"Pretty close. We shared all of our secrets with each other and if we needed help, whatever it was, we would always go to each other" I tell them, choking back tears. The first officer scribbles down something on his notepad.
"Where were you last night, around 9 to 10?" The second cop asks me.
"Home. I was in my room doing work for school."
"I find that funny" The rounder cop says in the dullest voice I've ever heard. I raise an eyebrow to question what he meant.
"We have your DNA all over Polly's body. We have reason to believe you killed her" He states, reaching in his belt. My heart tightens as it starts to pound faster. I feel like it's about to jump out of my chest.
"That's not possible!" I declare, trails of fear seeping into my voice.
"We're going to have to bring you to the station for further questioning" The skinny one says with a sigh. He takes the handcuffs out from him belt, telling me to turn around.

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