Ray (Chapt. 4)

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I force my eyes open, pain instantly rushing to my head. I let out a groan, pushing myself up. After focusing my eyes and pushing aside the pain, I look around. I'm back in Veronica's room. Did I just have a dream? That couldn't be possible. It felt so real.

I clamber off the soft bed, struggling to keep balance on my feet. After doing so, I leisurely make my way to the bathroom, slowly stretching as I do so. It hurts to stretch out my sore muscles but it also feels good. Maybe I should stretch more often...

Once I'm in there, I take my shirt off. I look in the full length mirror. The only evidence if what happened last night was real or fake would be on my back. A wound, the length of a marble, places it's home on my shoulder. Dried blood surrounds the outside of it.

I stare for a long time before deciding to look at my shirt. I inspect it closely before finding a tear and a blood stain on the back. After sighing, a quickly find a rag and soak it in water, cleaning off the dried blood on my skin. I wince and hiss in pain as the pressure is applied. It takes a little bit of time to manage to reach my shoulder but I'm happy that it looks at least a little cleaner.

Well, whatever happened last night was real. I'm not living in a fantasy, a fairy tale, and definitely no story book I've ever seen. This is actually scaring me. I'm starting to wonder if I should chase after Veronica. I did tell her that I would catch her and bring her to justice.

First I'd have to know where she went in order to follow her and I've already searched her entire house. There is no way I could've missed something. She left no clues to where she would be going. She was super clear that she didn't want to be found, or maybe my memory is a bit hazy.

I sigh and roll my eyes at myself. If I don't leave and go somewhere then I'll eventually get caught. If I get caught then there would really be no point in running away. Running only gave the police more of a right to convict me of murder.

The thought of the dead, bloody corpses of Lily and Polly enrage me. The thought of Veronica gives me strength to check through her house again. The first place I start with is Veronica's room. I scan through the drawers. The last drawer I open has a notebook in it. I pull it out and stare at it.

I don't remember seeing this. Maybe I could've been just tired from not sleeping and crying all night. I must've not done a thorough search of her home. I could have possibly missed something important.

I open it and quickly read it all. The summary is basically how she is leaving her home forever. I re-read, surveying through everything closely this time before closing it back up and sliding it into it's original spot in the drawer. Well, I already knew she was leaving so what good would this do me? I need to know where she went.

I go all throughout the house, looking through a lot of things but becoming lazy at the same time. After I'm sure I scanned everything, I go back to her room and flop onto her bed. I sigh, exhaling loudly into the sheets. After a moment of silence, I realize I haven't checked under the bed or in the kitchen.

I push myself up, deciding to check the bed because it's closer. I get onto my knees and crawl under the bed. I feel around and finally pull out a dusty box. I quickly open it and read through postcards. Most of them are from Greenville. They are all from her mom.

'I love you sweetheart! Greenville is a fantastic place. All the sites are beautiful and gorgeous! You should come and visit. I love you -Mom'

'Hi sweetheart! How is home? How is the family? Greenville is fantastic still. Everything still mesmerizes me. Please come and visit me anytime. I love you so much! -Mom'

I flip through all the cards, reading them one by one. I close the box whenever I'm finished and push it back under the bed.

The logical choice would be Greenville but that seems too easy though. Veronica isn't the dumb. She's clever and smart.  She should've known that I would find the box and cards and diary. It was all strategically placed just to throw me off track. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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