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it would've been 4 years that i forgot about christian. i remember being so heart broken after that happened. he was there for me when i was going through the bullying, people telling me to kill myself stuff like that. when things like that would happen i wanted to text him but then i realized that we weren't talking. but a while after us not talking he kind of became a distant memory. 

i forgot about christian until last year. i was in my feelings like every emo person would be at 3 am. i was having another mental breakdown and listening to music when i came across the song called "okay" by Chase Atlantic. i really liked the song and i decided to do research on the band. 


that's when i saw him. Christian. i saw him and it was like the first time i saw him the first time all those years ago. i couldn't believe my eyes. he looked so perfect like he did all those years ago. who would've thought that that 4 years later i would be finding his band with Mitchel and them being very successful. i was so happy for them. i really was. i started thinking back to when him and i would talk about him starting a band. all i could do was smile because he did it and i was so proud of him

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