Li Zihao| 3 Clues

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Your P.O.V.

I'm excited to meet my bestfriend its been 4 years since we've seen each other and now I am lucky to meet him he said we'll meet in the Coffee Shop

At the coffee shop

I waited for zihao its been 1 hour so I decided to call him on the phone


"Hey zihao, where are you?"


"Zihao, answer me"




Huh? He answered his phone but he didn't talk and he also ended the call i'm gettin a lil bit nervous "Y/N!!!" Someone yelled my name from behind and I was surprised "ahh! Jeez?" I said and turned to look who yelled my name "Zihao?" I ask "No i'm not zihao i'm oahiz" zihao said and I punched him playfully "eh?" He said "what?" I say "in dramas, like in this scene, the girl hugs the boy and will say I miss you" zihao said "lol, i miss u but i will never gonna hug you TIGHTLY" I chuckled "my body needs hugs from you" he say "jeesh yuck, lets order now"   "awww *pouts*"

I ordered sundae since its my fave and its delish "i'll treat you, what do you want?" I ask "uhm, same as yours" he say


After a long conversation, wait a minute, our conversation was filled with questions like "how r u?" "What have you been doing lately?" "Did you replaced me already?"

We decided to have a walk on the park

"Hey Zihao, do you have any crushes?"  I asked "why are you asking?" He asked back "i'm serious, zihao"  "and so am I"

You: nothing, i'm just curious

Zihao: yea she's a girl

You: of course unless you want a boy

Zihao: yucks, well I will give you 3 clues

You: ooh I would love that

Zihao: first, she's here

You: huh? *looks everywhere* but there are many girls here

Zihao: second, she's on my side

You: huh

Zihao: and third its You,its always you inside my heart

You: ... uh... chase me if you can, if you caught me i'll like u back bye *runs away*

Zihao chase me since he's legs were that long and he's a runner he caught me "hahaha...its true anyway, I like you since when we met" I answered

The end~

Words Count: 384 words

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